Can somebody explain Love Island to me

just googled 'love island' to see what they look like :p

this is googles explanation... :D

A group of men and women participate in a series of tasks with a partner that they keep swapping until they meet the love of their life.
I had to look up Love Island as well, and saw the above post ^^ and I can think of 2 precursors.

Girl Friday, a survival programme featuring Joanna Lumley, where she had to live by her own means on an island just off Madagascar for 2 weeks. Mid-90s, 1994/5.

I'm a Celebrity (get me out of here) is the love child of Girl Friday and Big Brother. 10 or 12 contestants on the island, again survival is key, and they get voted out one by one like with the Big Brother house. Last man standing wins the series. Been running since the early 2000s.

Love Island seems to be the match maker version of I'm a Celeb.
Think this explains it best


Good old Frank :cool:

I wondered if that was an image relating to his song Slime, but it seems it's just photo shopped.

It's good, well produced reality TV. That's pretty much what it comes down to. They also employ The Apprentice effect by getting people on who most viewers can look down on mentally. As you can see from this forum, it works even outside of a Television format ;)

I enjoyed 2019s a lot but admit that it made me feel a little icky to the point that I don't think I'll ever bother again. The social manipulation is complete genius and thoroughly absorbing, but man if it doesn't come across sinister AF at times.
Love Island seems to be the match maker version of I'm a Celeb.

It's in the same mould as all the reality tv (which the adults have sanctioned)
the voice
X factor
Essex junk
wannabe celebrities(or those wanting re-birth) submitting to a voyeuristic public gaze, for money.

but LI's probably, even more pernicious,
for impressionables, it perpetuates the myth that, that, surgically enhanced body/face cookie-cut look is attractive - an internet echo chamber.
... when the cameras are off do they revert to speaking like normal human beings, continue to slob about....

It's so dire, but, if you are a freeview viewer, you can't but help sampling it during add breaks, from usual viewing material, to confirm the lights are really off.
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