Can someone proofread my cv please

You're wasting far too much space, with those gray boxes. Not to mention they look ugly, and disrupt the flow of the CV itself.
I personally like having a personal statement at the beginning of the CV.

Take away the (4 Years) part on your driving licence. Most will care that you've got a licence, and it'll be out of date next year.

Summery should be 'Summary', though that could go at the top, below your personal details, and worded a little bit more general info about yourself maybe.
basmic said:
You're wasting far too much space, with those gray boxes. Not to mention they look ugly, and disrupt the flow of the CV itself.

What about if they were made smaller? i want to break the sections of the cv up by using some sort of visual aid.
Get rid of the National insurance part. Possibly move the driving liscence into the skills section. Swap the education and skills sections around. And in the sumary section, it should be "employs me", rather than "employees me" Thats just my opinion anyway. ;)
DaveyD said:
I personally like having a personal statement at the beginning of the CV.

Take away the (4 Years) part on your driving licence. Most will care that you've got a licence, and it'll be out of date next year.

Summery should be 'Summary', though that could go at the top, below your personal details, and worded a little bit more general info about yourself maybe.

What sort of things would you include in your personal statement?
Change VB / C++ to VB/C++

Never use &'s - always use the full word, and.

What month in the years did you start work? Are you trying hide months of unemployment?

Consider makign the following into a list, rather than a scruffy, untidy paragraph: Rollout of ICT Support services, Systems - (Pass), Customer support - (Distinction), Networking Hardware & Software – (Credit), Repair centre procedures (Distinction)

They already have a good idea what age you were when you left school. Stop wasting their time, and list your GCSEs.

To see a misused word (Summery) in a box on it's own - not a good idea. Change it to Summary.

Tell them references are available upon request.
[Sniper][Wolf] said:
What sort of things would you include in your personal statement?

Mine, not the best, but gives you an idea:

My Personal Statement said:
I am a confident and ambitious Mechanical Engineering student at the start of my Second year at Birmingham University. I am polite and well mannered, and have excellent timekeeping and punctuality.

I have 18 months of full time employment experience undertaken initially through the ‘Year In Industry’ organisation, at Goodrich Engine Control Systems. I was subsequently asked to return during University holidays to continue the work I undertook during my first year.
Ill get a personal statement in there tomorrow and add it before the skills,

is it ok in that flow?

Personal Statement
Hobbies & Interests


BTW the months are included in the employment :confused:
Mine flows (sorry for caps, it's copied straight from the CV):









I don't really see the point of your 'Hobbies and Interests' section as it seems to add nothing for a potential employer. If you do want to keep it, i'd get rid of 'general socialising' and rather than a ',' between football and rugby you need an 'and'
I guess the order and flow goes on your opinions, not everyone's is going to be the same is it???

Think aslong as i generally got everything in the correct place i should be fine. Otherwise i could be tweaking it for days! going to give it one more blast through tomorrow and add the personal statement, maybe add some more bits and bobs and ill render it complete.
Ekim said:
Just found another.

'Knowledgeable of computer systems'

that doesn't sound right.


"Knowledgable about computer systems"


"Knowledge in computer systems"
Ekim said:
I don't really see the point of your 'Hobbies and Interests' section as it seems to add nothing for a potential employer. If you do want to keep it, i'd get rid of 'general socialising' and rather than a ',' between football and rugby you need an 'and'

It's really to try and let the employer know that you're not just a shut-in, and actually do things that may let them see you in a better light.
Just some suggestions:

1. Lose the N.I No.

2. Take out how long you've had your licence. If its clean state so, if not just leave it as UK full. Personally I grouped this inf along with Marital status and DOB under "Personal Details" and put it near the end of the CV above my interests and Referees.

3. Before anything else put a summary / profile of yourself. You could just move your current summary here.

4. Next comes education. For your GCSE'd state how many grades at C or above or state them as A - C level. This is an acceptable term even if your highest grade was a C. If these include Maths and English state so. Also maybe state if this includes Science if it is relevant for the job.

5. Then you can put in about skills. Maybe cut this section down or tailor it for specific jobs that you apply for. Don't forget you also have a cover letter to state things like good communication skills or team working. Keep the skills on your CV to just core skills, so personally I would lose the last 3.

6. Your work experience looks a bit messy, try bullit pointing it. Maybe group under training and responsibilities if thats possible. Its tempting not to bother with this bit if your previous work isn't relevant but its still important to get the info accross.

7. The font and layout look to me to be a touch informal but thats personal preferance. I would be looking at Times New Roman with sections being broken up by simple headings 2pt size bigger in block capitals and bold, nothing more.

8. The top section looks a bit like you've filled in a form. Your potential employer should have the savvy to work out what your name and address is so theres no need to state it. Personally I'd just centre align it and have:

All without headings, infact personally I'd take out Curriculum Vitae and have your name in large font as the title.

Also I'd go for a simple black border around each page which adds to the overall effect once printed.

Hope some of that helps. a lot of it is just personal preferance but you need to come accross professional and at the moment it all looks a little informal.

...and don't forget use good quality textured paper (and the same paper for the cover letter) and send it in an A4 card backed envelope NEVER fold a CV. They will have loads of them turn up and the fact your is easily filed and handled as it doesn't represent origami will give a good impression.
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