Can someone pull this knife out of my back? (rant)

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Abilene, Texas
I am soo Oi! No swearing! off at the moment I want to hit someone!

Ever since I decided I wanted to be in the military I have wanted to deploy, come back with my own stories and pictures etc and see the world. When I got to my first base early last year one of the first things I said to my superiors was that I wanted to deploy anywhere outside the US but it would be nice to go to Baghdad. So I worked my rear end off getting my upgrade training done before some people who were at the base longer than me. I scored a 92% on the test which is a great score. I have gotten over 90 on my PT tests. I have volunteered to learn to teach CPR classes, become a PT leader. I have playing in 3 different squadon sports. Been to squadron events. I have pulled 18+ hour days and worked over time on many occasions. I am considered to be one of the most knowledgeable in my shop.

Well, we get a few tasking for an upcoming deployment, on of which is to Florida. I dont want to go to florida only because I have been there and seen it. But I want to deploy and I would have been happy with florida. But I dont get the slot. They give it so someone who hasnt volunteered for anythig, scored an 81 on his upgrade test and barely knows his job. What makes it even worse is he will probably be sitting on the beach or surfing or having a good time and will come back with a lot of cool stories while I sit in the same *&^%ing desk doing the same crap I have been doing for the last year. The guy is so incompetant, he cant think through problems and just generally doesnt care!

The reason for this I hear through the rumour mill is that they want to keep the knowledgeable people here to keep us running.

I feel like all my hard work and dedication has been crapped on. I want so bad just to leave the squadron with my middle finger raised high. I want nothing to do with any of the people in the squadron.

What ever happened to being rewarded for hard work? I am still doing the same crap was doing earlier.

Just thinking about it makes me mad :mad: :mad:
as angry as you may be, (and i understand about moranic management, believe me, ) edit your post to fully star out the bad words,

if i can get thrown out for a month for using a light hearted slang word, all youl need is for a mod to come along in a bad, (or good) mood and suspend you, and i dont want to see anyones narcissistic temperament rewarded by allowing that to happen.
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Bad break dude :(, but the fact that they are keeping you back probably means that they fully acknowledge your skills and dedication/hardwork.. In the long run you will find that you will be pushed, or will go, much further than the guy who has just gone to florida. Stick with it dude, work hard and be recognised. When the rewards come i dare say they will be quite reflective of your input.
benneh said:
Bad break dude :(, but the fact that they are keeping you back probably means that they fully acknowledge your skills and dedication/hardwork.. In the long run you will find that you will be pushed, or will go, much further than the guy who has just gone to florida. Stick with it dude, work hard and be recognised. When the rewards come i dare say they will be quite reflective of your input.

You've obviously never been in the US military.... ;)

After six years of exemplary service and continuously going above and beyond, I get rewarded by being sent to the captain of the ship four times for trumped up disciplinary write ups, and eventually kicked out of the service with an Other Than Honorable discharge.

Why? Because my wife is the ex-fiance' of one of the officers on the ship. And officers don't like enlisted men encroaching on ANYTHING they consider thiers, ex or not.

So I literally overnight went from 3.85 out of 4.0 on my evalutations to 2.0

I even asked the captain the last time, "How could I go from the Golden Child to the most hated ****up in a matter of a week?"

He couldn't (or wouldn't) give me a straight answer.

So my military career is completely flushed down the toilet by some little 24 year old punk that has a basket weaving college degree that takes a grudge against me. :mad:

No, I'm not still bitter. I would have been retiring after 20 years' service in 2008......
Stiff_Cookie said:
The reason for this I hear through the rumour mill is that they want to keep the knowledgeable people here to keep us running.

That happens everywhere, promote the people that are crap at their job (hell they might be better as a manager etc), keep there people that are good at their job where they are.

Things arn't done to be 'fair', more done to keep the companay doing well.
Stiff_Cookie said:
Just thinking about it makes me mad :mad: :mad:

I know that you have put a lot of effort into this situation and are probably frustrated that you aren't getting the results that you believe you should be, but remember that just because you aren't given the first deployment doesn't mean you wont get the next one. One reason that they have chosen not to give it to you is because there may be rumour of another one soon which may appeal to you more...
Didn't you actually request anywhere outside of the US? Maybe they actually took notice of that.
That does suck. As a member of the UK forces I know that anyone here who even suggests that they might possibly want to go to Iraq is shipped off immediately. You've got three choices - either keep going the way you are and hope that it will get better, or do as little as you possibly can without getting discharged, or leave. I'd go with the 2nd one probably.

Oh - congrats on 10K posts cleanbluesky.
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Mickey_D, I'm not known for going a big rubber one - but that is a strange modern love story that absolutely melts me, how romantic and on such an appropriate day!

You may have lost out on a potentially impressive career, but methinks you came off top regardless...
Stiff_Cookie said:
I hear through the rumour mill is that they want to keep the knowledgeable people here to keep us running.
Call me a conspiracy theorist here if you want (;)), but that's probably exactly what it is. The ones who know what the score is, and the ones who can keep everything running are not the ones fighting on the front line, are they? When was the last time you saw a 5* general in the trenches? So if you're getting these good scores and showing your dedication they may just find you more useful where you are - and sod what you want!

What's the chance of you being able to hitch a lift on a company plane somewhere and back again when you're on leave? I know my Dad used to be able to borrow a plane (trainer) for the weekend to go and visit my uncle in Ireland. A bit better than borrowing the works van! :)
Who knows? Maybe they have you earmarked for something better? Sometimes you don't get a position because your superiors feel you'd be wasted there. Has happened to me in the past. Although I was dead angry at the time, things worked out.

Is there anyone you can talk to, and maybe let them know what you're interested in doing? Maybe see what they think? They might at least let you know where you stand, or offer you alternatives you never considered.
The choice, sit at home shuffling papers or stand at a checkpoint in the middle of a warzone waiting for someone to wander up with a few kilos of explosives strapped to their chest ...
Maybe because you are so good they don't want to loose you at the job your currently doing? I know if i was to be running things I would definatly try and keep onto useful, hardworking and helpful people while binning off the not so decent people on others.

Lifes not fair.
You want control of your life, don't join the military.

And go and talk, calmly, to you superior officer about it. You don't ask; you don't get.
On the other hand, just become a useless git. They tend to get shipped out to become an SEP* as soon as a post becomes available anywhere.

*Someone Elses Problem
The guy who does nothing (mediocore scores, hasn't volinteered for anything etc) is probably seen as a bit of a "waster" and "in need of motivation" and so is shipped off in the hopes that he'll buck up his ideas and actually do some work.

People who generally are self-disiplined and work hard/achieve lots are kept around because, as I'm sure you're aware, the military is based on experience--having a few highly experienced guys at hand helps keep any business (be it an army regiment, corps, or a normal highstreet business) running flawlessly.

There's a saying in the Army that goes: The army is run by the NCOs. Most officers know this, and ultimately like to keep the "brainy ones" around whilst shipping off the "slackers" for some motivation.

You will get a good tour sometime, it's only a matter of time. The best secret is not to mention anything about wishes.

I once said "I wouldn't mind going to NI for a tour!" down the NAAFI and I'm sure a SNCO heard me because a week later I had my posting orders.....Northern Ireland. Sometimes, you get what you wish for and it isn't always as expected.
yeah, sounds like they just want to keep you there because you're so good at what you do. did you speak to your superiors? that'd be the first thing i'd go for. sorry about the crappy break
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