can you become addiced to origami

crickey, got no chance of following that from the video...anyone got a link to some instructions/diagrams?

/me goes off to google
Balders said:
crickey, got no chance of following that from the video...anyone got a link to some instructions/diagrams?

/me goes off to google

ok, fold both ways diaganaly, then the other ways too (verticaly and horisontaly).
fold one of the diags in so you have a 1/4 square (you need to start off with a square page).
now you should have 2 sides open and the other two having folds
fold the open sides into the middle so you have a kite shape, for both sides, then using these creases fold the outsides In, then open out so you get a dimond shape, (this is for both sides)
fold the bottom (ie the opener end) edges into the middle and then fold back up to make the tail and neck, fold the end of the neck down to make the head.
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