Can you cancel insurance?

18 Oct 2002
im in my first month on insurance with a company, can i cancel it?
my insurance at the moment is £550 i just recieved another quote for £99 including breakdown assistance!!!
Yes, you can, you may have to pay an "admin charge" of some sort.

I've cancelled a policy in the past and just paid for the cover I'd received. :)
You got a quote for a years car insurance for £99?

Erm, whats the catch? Even old people with Micra's dont pay that little.
yeap classic car insurance is just stupid, im insured through a main insurer at the moment, had three quotes now from classic car insurers max one was £150 for a year, best was £98 a year.
wow thats quite a contrast. 15 years old to qualify as classic isnt it or are there other requirements? I pay 156 for a 13 year old car but 50% sounds good :p
Ive cancelled in the past and it was a full refund minus 40 for the admin charge, you need to send back the insurance document or they will charge for a replacement as well maybe
Mattius said:
im in my first month on insurance with a company, can i cancel it?
my insurance at the moment is £550 i just recieved another quote for £99 including breakdown assistance!!!

Your policy booklet should detail the cancellation procedure. If your outside the 14 days cool off period (hooray for distance selling regulations) you will not likely get everything back, there is usually a sliding scale in operation (some might even pro-rata it honestly), If you have had a claim within this years period, it's unlikely any return will be given.

If you can't find it in your policy booklet, then phone up the brokers and ask.
Mattius said:
yeap classic car insurance is just stupid, im insured through a main insurer at the moment, had three quotes now from classic car insurers max one was £150 for a year, best was £98 a year.

Who was that quote with by the way?
As others have said, most companies let you cancel it buit then sting you for an admin fee, normally around £50-60. As with anything like this, just ring them and ask!
[TW]Fox said:
You got a quote for a years car insurance for £99?

Erm, whats the catch? Even old people with Micra's dont pay that little.

True, £140 fully comp for J reg Micra out on the road.
My boss has just paid £150 for his 911SC insurance, historic policies can be very cheap if you only intend to do a couple of thousand miles a year in the car.
I would be interested to know who your insurance is with..however, you have probably got much more driving experience than me.

Best quote I have had so far is £1057 a year, with Norwich Union Rapid Bonus Cover. However, I still don't have my full license and am spending the time until I pass my test to do my Spitfire up.
The only problem you'll find with the £99 quote, is that it's limited mileage etc. etc. When I had my GT, I was insured with Admiral as I only had two months left on my policy when I bought it, so stuck with them. However, I did get silly cheap quotes, but they were limited mileage amongst many other conditions.
Mikol said:
The only problem you'll find with the £99 quote, is that it's limited mileage etc. etc. When I had my GT, I was insured with Admiral as I only had two months left on my policy when I bought it, so stuck with them. However, I did get silly cheap quotes, but they were limited mileage amongst many other conditions.

Perfect as a toy though, or for someone who doesnt have to drive to work.
Mattius said:
yeap classic car insurance is just stupid, im insured through a main insurer at the moment, had three quotes now from classic car insurers max one was £150 for a year, best was £98 a year.

Who is the quote with? how many years NCB do you have? How old are you?

I'm thinking of chopping in the Jag in september, going back to my old peugeot and picking up a convertible when they're cheap in the middle of winter, i would probably choose a spitfire or maybe some kind of yank classic.
Pretty incredible, I wish I'd known the age of the car was more important then the person driving it.
Come to think of it I've never owned a car 15 years old or more but I would have had I known it was so much cheaper. Doesnt matter now of course because Iam practically a classic myself :p
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