Can you convert an exising (Vista) install to Raid?

15 Nov 2003
If you have a Vista system with twin 500Gb drives, can you simply go into the BIOS and tell it to do Raid 1 - ie: Mirror drive 0 onto drive 1?

No reinstallation etc etc?

ps: Obviously drive 1 would be empty before starting this...
rpstewart said:
My gut reaction would be no but single drive -> RAID1 is nowhere near as big a change as a single drive -> RAID0. The NVidia RAID config tool is pretty flexible in what you can do with arrays once the RAID functionality is enabled in the BIOS, I think the latest Intel controllers are possibly even better.

The rest of this is kind of thinking out loud so may be a complete pile of garbage....

The big question however is what happens when you flip the BIOS from normal mode to RAID mode - the current install may or may not (depending on the driver architecture) have the correct drivers to run in RAID mode.

Once RAID mode is enabled you'll need to create an array, the best bet will be to create a single disk array probably as RAID0 with the drive containing the data making sure that you don't select the option to wipe the drive. You'll possibly have to remove the blank disk from the PC to amke sure you get the right one. In theory you should be able to do an online migration from the single disk array to a 2 disk RAID1 array using the RAID utility in Windows.

I think the bottom line is it might be worth a shot but make sure you have a backup of everything and are prepared to do a full reinstall if it fails to work.

Oh! I was just hoping you could tell it to go RAID 1 and it would just mirror 0->1, just as if you were replacing a drive?

Hadn't thought about Vista needing drives? Does it? Surely the BIOS is handling the storage so what does the OS know about it?!
rpstewart said:
When the drives are in RAID you need different drivers to access them than from when they're in normal single drive mode - that's why you see all the comments about needing driver floppies when installing on RAID.

Oh! So does that bode well or not for being able to change over to raid on a system already installed with Vista?

Or does it more than likely mean a re-installation?
masslac said:
You will have to start from scratch. IE - backup all your data, format the disks, then reinstall the OS.

OK ta... Don't quite understand why it needs a full re-install, but I'm happy for that to join the long list of other stuff I don't understand :)
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