Can you help? A father's promise to his dying son

Wow...awful news.

I will not add to his suffering and turn up in my TDI S-Line A4.

Could be worse in my Fiat Sedici, might add a comical factor to the event.

To be honest it would be nice if an F1 team could pick up on this and give him an amazing weekend.
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Looks to be a good turn out nearly 200 registered on scooby net If I wasnt working I would be going just to look at what turns up! :D

Side note the guys from west yorkshire have been asked to not turn up in their 1000's but to register on the scooby forum
Jesus, that's bad to hear. :(

Always sad to hear of a person passing away at that kinda of age. So much left to live. :(

Hope he gets a nice meet, I'm sure it will be something to keep him going in his final weeks. :)

That's soo sad :(.

As someone on Scoobynet said "Hi I'm Virginia and I live in the US. I saw this on a Mazda6 forum, and couldn't finish without tears. And reading the list of cars/people on this forum attending just made me cry a bit more. It's so great and amazing of yall to do this for Connor and his very loving dad, and family. I'm sure his little face will be unforgettable the moment he gets to the show and sees it all. I commend all of you for this selfless act and really wish I could make the flight over the pond but just not able too. We're all car freaks and one big family at the end of the day and will do just about anything for each other, even for the little ones!"
im working till 3 so unless the times change again i wont be going. I was going to go with a few others from the mlr forum we were going to drive in a convoy up from sheff.
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