Can you recommend to me a laptop that will fit my needs?

16 Jan 2017
Hello, so I am a graphics design student and also play video games (mainly League of Legends) and I am looking for a laptop that can be useful for both of those things.

One thing is it has to be good enough to be able to run software like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Cinema4D and similar. I want it to be able to run all of those pretty smoothly (if that's possible with Cinema4D on a laptop with the budget I have)

I want to be able to also play games on it like League of Legends and maybe some new games sometimes too but it's not that important for me for the laptop to be able to run newer games as I will be mainly playing League on it since I have a PC at home it's just that my girlfriend lives in a different country so I'm out of the country quite often.

I would also preferably like the laptop to be 15 inch, 13 seems just too small for me.

My budget is probably below £900 but if there's anything just over that then I'll happily take a look at it.

Thank you for your help and if any more info is needed let me know
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