Can you see this?

12 Oct 2003
If you look trough a gap between your fingers or near the edge of any object and put it close to your eye then look past it to a plain white surface, use tiny movements like your shaking and you should see what appears to be tiny dark lines that fork out like lightning.

Now at first i thought it must be blood vessels but after trying different things like doing it up to 20cm away they still show plus they follow the edge's direction, i've always wondered what the cause was for years now, maybe some sort of interference pattern? :confused:
Yeah there's that too and you can also notice a red/blue shift.

Look very close at the edge of something and vibrate it slightly and you should see some very tiny lines and forking.

Everyone should try it as it only should takes a second to see the effect and let me know if you do see it or know what it could be. :p
kitten_caboodle said:
i think i know what you mean - i think it is blood vessels because when you go for an eye exam and they shine the light into your eyes, you can see it quite clearly - it's probably some reflection bouncing off your retina or something :)

Its what i thought at first as well but there's a few things like it works at a fair distance and it follows the edge pointing in the same direction plus they're tiny and not all forking like blood vessels as some are like a bunch of lines.

What i don't get is how the seem to follow the edge as if they're like some sort of energy field.
Radiation said:
You post here just to say that or did you even try it?

I was reading the thread, I noticed his animated sig, and thought I'd tell him before he got told by someone in charge?

What crawled up your arse and died then?

I did try it but I don't think I saw anything, I think I did it wrong :/
Mohinder said:
I was reading the thread, I noticed his animated sig, and thought I'd tell him before he got told by someone in charge?

What crawled up your arse and died then?

I did try it but I don't think I saw anything, I think I did it wrong :/
no worrys m8
I'm waiting for the dons to come online and see what they say, I've always thought that the no GIF rule was about those uber animates ones (like the LOTR etc) rather than a litte glitter.
when they come online if they say its bad I'll change it to another.
Mohinder said:
I was reading the thread, I noticed his animated sig, and thought I'd tell him before he got told by someone in charge?

What crawled up your arse and died then?

I did try it but I don't think I saw anything, I think I did it wrong :/

Im just a bit let down with the lack of response and then i get a random post that's got nothing to do with it, pm's should be activated tbh.

If you see it i suspect you might start wondering what it could be as well, im also hoping im not the only one who can see it. :p
Radiation said:
Im just a bit let down with the lack of response and then i get a random post that's got nothing to do with it, pm's should be activated tbh.

If you see it i suspect you might start wondering what it could be as well, im also hoping im not the only one who can see it. :p

PMs whore the server sadly.
but tbh, I have 3 IM options open and they are all working fine (well, MSN is.)
I know it looks like blood vessels and maybe some are but it doesn't explain the lines and how they seem to follow the direction of the edge, try rotating the gap and you will see what i mean, also i don't quite understand why you need to move slightly back and forth to make the effect stable, it works about up to 20cm away as well.
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