Can you stream BBC Radio on iPhone?

Well I have an iPod Touch and I found FStream a couple months ago, its amazing, and its free, works fine for me, and most importantly you can put your iPod into sleep and it doesn't stop the music, you can even record the radio! That BBC Streams site did the job, been looking for those for a while.

For iPhone users who are trying to use it through 3G check the settings, you do need to make sure its on the Cellular Network setting. Maybe try updating firmware or maybe even rolling the ipod back to a previous firmware.

Thanks for the reply.

I am using F Stream, and the sound still mutes when I use the radio. What am I doing wrong with my Ipod Touch? I do have it docked in my bose system (Sound dock 2). Is this causing the problem?

Thanks - Robert

Thanks for the reply.

I am using F Stream, and the sound still mutes when I use the radio. What am I doing wrong with my Ipod Touch? I do have it docked in my bose system (Sound dock 2). Is this causing the problem?

Thanks - Robert

Well I never thought I'd see the day - drop me an e-mail []

Luke - of Xtreme Inc fame ;)
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FStream works great for me on 3G iPhone. Only problem I have is most times I cant just open the app and click "Radio 1". I normally hvae to open/close it a few times to get it to work but once its on its great for walking to/from walk everyday
I have found the best streaming site to be Just register on the site for free, add the stations you want from it's database and then just goto on your safari browser, login and then stream the stations either over 3g or wifi.

Works very well for me on my 2g iPhone so should work fine on a iTouch
FStream works great for me on 3G iPhone. Only problem I have is most times I cant just open the app and click "Radio 1". I normally hvae to open/close it a few times to get it to work but once its on its great for walking to/from walk everyday

Does that on me too. The easiest way I have found to get it working is to go to settings and turn cellular network off then on again. Works every time for me after I do that.
When I click on "INSTALL" the iPod Touch just says "Not compatible" and wont go any further. iPhone / iPod Touch must be different.
Ive got Tunin.FM on mine. streams BBC radio. it even works fine over 3G. ive had it in my car cradle streaming radio whilst driving around :D
I used Wunder Radio to connect to Radio 1, but I can't say I'm too impressed with it. It sounded rubbish and kept cutting out. I think you can only appreciate it if you have a wireless rather than 3G connection.
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