Can YOU tell the difference in quality?

2/6 for wav, rest were 320k

definitely can tell the quality difference between 128 and 320/wav
between 320 and wav, it was a tossup lol
Can't tell with my iMac, but if I play them to my amp and speakers I can tell. It's more in the treble's where I can hear the clipping.

Could definitely hear a difference, but it wasn't a difference in quality. It was the fact that the uncompressed file always took marginally longer to start after pressing play :D
5/6 on some cheap earphones with my Samsung galaxy tablet. To be fair though, I often notice the tiniest of details in sound most of my friends never notice in films and music. It is one of the things I really enjoy with a high quality audio source.
4/6 using Sony in ear headphones and the laptops soundcard, found it hard to tell between lossless and 320kbps using this setup, had my hearing tested a year ago and i've lost very little of my upper frequency range, so perhaps that helps.

Bad quality audio files annoy me, I have a Dynaudio sound system in my car and feeding it a 128kbps mp3 file results in a far different sound than say a CD or better quality audio file.
There's too many subtle problems with this test which mean that you might subconsciously pick one over the other, for reasons other than 'audio quality'.

I got all 6 'right' - but quite quickly noticed that the 'best' version was the one which appeared to have a fractionally longer delay at the start of the audio. By the last few songs I picked the 'right' answer before actually hearing more than a couple of seconds of audio.

I'm certainly no audiophile and was just listening through built-in laptop speakers - but, if I was that way inclined, it would have been easy to convince myself that I could 'tell the difference'.
The 128kbit version is ~400KB filesize, 320 ~800KB and the wave approx 3.5MB hence the delay on the "highest quality" one if your not on a super fast connection.

There are way too many variables though IMO on a lot of listens I think the 320kbit one sounds the "best" maybe as I'm used to streaming off spotify a lot and its closest to what I'm most used to (this might also be why a lot of people chose the 320 one commonly in the threads I've seen on this site).
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The 128kbit version is ~400KB filesize, 320 ~800KB and the wave approx 3.5MB hence the delay on the "highest quality" one if your not on a super fast connection.

Even on a super fast connection (BT Infinity 76MB down) the delay was still perceptible - or at least that appeared to be the way I could 'tell the difference'.

I'd like to say I could 'hear' a difference between the 128kb and the other two - but once I realised how I was 'hearing' a difference for the uncompressed file, I then completely doubted my reasons for picking one over the other.
one things certain, if your not one of the 'lucky' people with excellent hearing, theres no need to get sucked into the audiophile world of bad value equipment.
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