Can you tell who it is by their posting style?

Hahaha, Gibbo with his "Hi their", always make's me smile for some reason. (Not in a bad way though :))

I can't say I have noticed anyone else on any other forums whom is a member of this forum though going purely by their posting style. As for recognising people by their posting style on this forum, I tend to glance over by the name (Which I don't actually know why since I always tend to read everyone’s reply weather I like their posting style or not :p) and then start to read their reply. :)
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you should be able to spot me around g33ky forums because I don't start my sentences with capital letters sometimes, and I over-use my commas. But I do tend to change styles to confuse people, to keep my indentity a secret!:o
Can only tell Penski, Fox, Angus (who cant?) straight away anyway.

This is a post from the user account of Angus-Higgins (one user amongst many {although the only one known as Angus-Higgins])


I wonder how Angus speak in real life? I wonder whether Angus looks at the way he writes, compares it to the way everyone else rights and thinks... WHYYYY?
Yeah, I reckon I could recognise a fair few on here by their posting style alone, sometimes the spelling mistakes are as illuminating as the use of grammar. I probably do also look at the signature and avatar to check but not always.
2 suicides in 1 thread. Whatever have we done?

Back on topic, actually yeah I could probably pick out Acidhell by the spellink mistakes (lol, sorry mate but at least you're consistent :p) and definitely Angus Higgins.

There's some bracket and comma useage in there HE'S GOT INTO MY MIND!!!
Lol, we all can... :p

I can tell some people from the way they talk and type. Usually I go by the sig. If it's someone I know more then it's easier to tell just from the posting style. Saying that though some people are easy to spot.
That's why I use a sig rotator, just to confuse you :p.
Yeah, I reckon I could recognise a fair few on here by their posting style alone, sometimes the spelling mistakes are as illuminating as the use of grammar. I probably do also look at the signature and avatar to check but not always.

I'd say I spot you mostly by the avatar, but the posting style is quite considered, it's like you take a breath and think before typing (:eek:)

Loadsamoney is easy to spot by his use of no punctuation even when punctuation would make it easier to read then again he saves space by putting it in one paragraph but he always finishes with a big grin so you forgive him :D


Spotted easily.

Short, to the point. sentences.

Occasional put downs. Plenty of space between lines. Do your research!
I've been using forums for only a few years and normally recognise people from their sigs or avatar. As a rule I use the same username and sig wherever I am lurking. A few people have said that they can recognise people on other forums who are the same person using a different username from their posting style alone. Well today for the first time I could tell purely from the posting style who this person was. It's a changed username and I didn't know the sig. It was none other than our very own Gillbot renamed Santa :D

Can you spot people from their posting style or rely on sigs? Spotted anyone you know from here elsewhere using a false name?

I can tell it's you through your bad grammar and poor spamming techniques.
Not many to be honest. There are a few but I won't go into details.

Gilly's easy. If 20% of someone's posts consist entirely of ":/" it's Gilly :p (Location: Original OcUK Poker Champ, kinda gives him away too ;)).

Like many, I tend to recognise a lot of people from their sigs. The only forums I use with no sigs have user-defined avatars so you can spot a lot of people that way.
A few posters here and there maybe but certainly not very many.

Given enough material to work from I am fairly reliable at spotting teenagers though (by which I mean very few false positives, not that I can spot everyone who is a teen!)
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