Canon 350D or Nikon D50?

The D50 // D70 don't have mirror lock up - there's a difference between sensor cleaning and actually holding up the mirror prior to an exposure.
The D50 doesn't have a DoF preview button.
D70 has mirror lockup but it is only used for sensor cleaning - the D70s has mirror lockup though and I beleive the updated d70 firmware enables it too.
whitecrook said:
This has been beaten to death everywhere you look.

Aye I was thinking the same thing.

It all comes down to preferance. I myself am a Canon fan, because when I look at a lot of Nikon photos I just see noooiiiise.

And not nice effect noise, it just looks bad JPEG compression.

But again, personal preferance.

did anybody listen??

think carefully about lenses and such before you commit to a brand, there's more to it than the camera.

and obviously, it's all about prefrence and ease of use, none of them will make you a better photographer!
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