Good and bad are somewhat arbitrary here, a kit lens may compare favourably to a bridge camera but the quality is someway behind the lenses I recommended in terms of image quality, auto-focus speed and build quality. What I recommended will get the best possible image quality for £800. The OP hasn't given any indication that he needs or would benefit from the increased feature set of a xxD model.
I never disputed that there are better lenses than the kit lens. In fact I reinforced that as it is my experience also, but I reiterate that the kit lens is no barrier to taking fantastic photographs.
I quickly switched from an xxxD body to an xxD when I started out. I realised I needed a decent burst rate, could use the extra focus points (I shoot my son's kart racing), longer battery life, and the magnesium construction has saved me from needing a new body several times. Even the shutter lag improvement was noticeable. There is more to a DSLR body than being a vehicle for an amazing lens.
So no, he didn't indicate a need for an xxD body, but he indicated an overall need for advice on the forum which I provided based on my experience. Offer your advice by all means, but perhaps spend less effort shooting down everyone else's?