Arch Linux
Arch has pushed out updates for wpa_supplicant and hostapd
Debian posted an advisory to the Debian Security Announce mailing list with information on updates that resolve the Krack vulnerability.
LineageOS has had patches merged to prevent the Krak vulns.
According to the vulnerability release, "Our attack is especially catastrophic against version 2.4 and above of wpa_supplicant, a Wi-Fi client commonly used on Linux.". Patches can be found here.
Netgear has released an advisory that contains a list of products affected by KRACK and associated updates.
OpenBSD was provided a patch that was used to silently update and fix this vulnerability.
Ubiquiti (UniFi, AmpliFi, airMax)
Ubiquiti have posted an advisory that provides details on what UniFi, AmpliFi, and airMax products are affected by the KRACK vulnerability. This advisory also provides links to the updates that resolve this attack.
Ubuntu has released an advisory with information on how to update wpa_supplicant and hostapd in order to resolve this vulnerability.