Can't format a failing drive

9 Dec 2014
I've got a drive which I'm RMAing with OCUK. It's full of stuff, 20,000+ photos, videos, games, all sorts, some of which I do not really want people to see (clean your minds!!).

OCUK are happy to take it back formatted, however I cannot do so. The drive occasionally reads, so someone could easily access the content, but for whatever reason, either through the standard right click method, or by disk management, I cannot format it.

Any other methods or programs to try it which may have more luck?
some drive manufacturers used to offer utility type tools for their hard drives which work at a very low level which might get you access to formatting it or wiping the partition data.

Thanks Donnie, I didn't know this so downloaded WD's software. Believe it or not that fails at formatting it too, but all the data seems to have gone. I tried doing a "quick test" of the drive too, which also fails.

Basically it's utterly ******, but at least now I know, aside of taking the platters out of the HDD, nobody is getting in!
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