Cant get XBox360 wireless controller working on my PC

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
Been using the wired XBox 360 PC controller for ages without problems, but wires are getting in the way
so i thought i would use my Xbox 360 wireless pad from my Xbox360
so i went and bought a wireless receiver followed the instructions, came up in Device Manger as a wireless Receiver, but i cant get it to sync to my controller

any help much appreciated
Just to 100% certain, was the wireless receiver you purchased shown as compatible with xbox360 wireless controllers as wireless receivers that are compatible with xbox one wireless controllers aren't compatible with xbox 360 wireless controllers (the data for the official xbox one wireless receiver states that it isn't compatible with xbox 360 wireless controllers).

Find it on device manager, driver>update driver>browse my computer for software>let me pick........>scroll to bottom 360 peripherals>wireless reciever for windows. sync pad. Thats how you do it on win 10

edit: see you prob done that, uninstall it and try again, Ive had times when mine won't sync, have that same generic 3rd party reciever. Did you select reciever and not wireless pad.
thats what i did, it doesent sync to my controller still

I just edited, did you select wireless reciever for windows because it gives you 3 options, I think one is wireless pad, which you don't want to select. try again from scratch, I take it you know how to sync the pads normally? ive had times when it wouldn't work but now when ever I install windows the things seem linked straight after I install the driver
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