cant install XP

13 Aug 2005
long story short,

my bro has got a 200mhz pentium (yes thats 200mhz, it was free), it was running win98, but me benig the smartarse i am decided to put XP on it, BIG MISTAKE, formatted the HD but it wont allow me to install, it keeps coming up with

"NTLDR is Missing

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del To restart"

so unles i can get this fix i may be gettin happy-slapped :eek:

At what stage in the install is it failing?

Not sure why it needs NTLDR if you've yet installed. Can't remember what it does but iirc it's found on every storage device. Can you get to the recovery console? If you can, try formatting it again from there and then see if it will let you install.

I'm probably talking rubbish but it's worth mentioning and trying anyway :)
xp will not be usable on that machine. it will install (just about) but trying to use it is another matter...... :p

i tried it years ago on a p2 233 (with mmx no less) and 384mb ram and it ran like a dog. even simple things like opening windows and using the start menu were extremely cumbersome. windows 2000 however ran fine. :)
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