Can't Play Oblivion with a 6800LE ?

7 Jul 2006
No Matter what I do, I can't get a playable framerate.
I had to go back to stock pipelines on the Card as with the unlocked ones I had artifacts in the game.

I already set all setings to low & small textures - graphic looks cr@p now but still no more than approx 5fps.

Any ideas?
upgrade ** ram/cpu i had a 6800 LE PCI-E (recently died tho)

my computer current has 512 ram and a 3.0 ghz processor and Oblivion ran fine with HDR on and all the fancy stuff :). Only problem was at the end of the story mission :D
Psycho Sonny said:
you need 2 gigs of ram and you need to overclock your cpu

Total bull, I play oblivion on a 6800GT/1gb with high textures @ 1280x1024. In busy bits I get occaisional bad lag but when I turn it down to medium or low then it stops paging to disk and the chugging stops.

Sounds like something is very very wrong to me, have you made sure your GPU isn't overheating and throttling down its speed?
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Yes CPU Temp is fine @ 40 Celsius

I just used driver cleaner & then installed the latest nvidia driver.

I now get 1k less in 3dmark 03 :confused:
I meant the GPU temps, if your graphics card is overheating it will be slowing itself down to prevent damage.
Sorry. GPU Temp is fine aswell @52 Celsius

Thing is i just completed the game "Prey" and it ran with all settings on high without any problems
Zefan said:
Total bull, I play oblivion on a 6800GT/1gb with high textures @ 1280x1024. In busy bits I get occaisional bad lag but when I turn it down to medium or low then it stops paging to disk and the chugging stops.

Sounds like something is very very wrong to me, have you made sure your GPU isn't overheating and throttling down its speed?

how is that total bull that game will deffo benefit from 2 gigs of ram
It will only benefit if he's got textures on medium or high. Seeing as he's using a 6800LE and is getting unplayable framerates whatever he does you're wrong to say "You need 2 gigs of ram and you need to overclock your cpu".

Based upon my experience and my knowledge of how the game uses resources, I stand by my point that it's total bull (In terms of answering his question). explain to me how the lack of an extra gb of ram and some clock cycles is giving him UNPLAYABLE framerates even with the lowest settings.

Just for your reference in future I run it on medium high on a amd64 3000+, 1gbram, and a 6800gt at 1280x1024. Wanna explain to me how I'm getting playable framerates, because you seem to think I NEED to overclock my cpu and buy another gig of ram.
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Zefan said:
It will only benefit if he's got textures on medium or high. Seeing as he's using a 6800LE and is getting unplayable framerates whatever he does you're wrong to say "You need 2 gigs of ram and you need to overclock your cpu".

Based upon my experience and my knowledge of how the game uses resources, I stand by my point that it's total bull (In terms of answering his question). explain to me how the lack of an extra gb of ram and some clock cycles is giving him UNPLAYABLE framerates even with the lowest settings.

Just for your reference in future I run it on medium high on a amd64 3000+, 1gbram, and a 6800gt at 1280x1024. Wanna explain to me how I'm getting playable framerates, because you seem to think I NEED to overclock my cpu and buy another gig of ram.

hes using an LE which has less than half the power of your comp so he will benefit from more cpu power
I've got 512MB ram and a 6600GT and it plays fine.

I guess it just depends on what settings your prepared to accept.
I noticed that once I put the DVD in it takes about 2 minutes for the autoplay menue to come up.

So I tried a nocd patch but no improvement in the game.

I have all settings to the lowest possible.

The game loads pretty quick.

But once I start a "new game" - in the character selection screen I'm getting low fps.

Once in the game even the mouse cursor in menues moves very slowly & I have to click on the options various times.

I'm out of ideas
If you are really deparate you can always try Oldblivion ( That lowers the shader model to 1.1. As far as I know, this shouldn't be happening to you. Do you have Nero or Roxio etc installed? Some of the codecs used are known to cause conflicts.

Edit: Fixed link.
I ocd the CPU yesterday.

Still the same. It didn't make a difference at all.

I will try to reinstall the game..

as all other games work perfectly fine.
I upgraded to a x1800XT today.

Still the same problem :mad:

I've read on various forums that it can be something to do with the mouse driver ????

Regardless of what settings i set I always get 4 FPS.
Check for
Spyware, viruses etc etc, other processes that can cause you to be slow.

Got lots of HDD space free?

Re-formatted your system lately?
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