Cant read text via HDMI

14 Dec 2009
Troedyrhiw, Wales
Hi all,

I am using the HDMI cable that came with the gtx 480 and hooked it upto my 23 inch Samsung HD ready TV and no matter what settings i have the screen resolution at i cannot read the texts at all. There is no sharpness to the text and it looks rather blurry imo.

Would a dvi-hdmi adapter improve things at all?

Or will i not be able to see any improvement till i buy a new monitor, which i may not be able to do till the new year

Many thanks for your help :)
Need to ensure
1. Computer Driving monitor at native resolution (hd ready tv probably => 1366x768)
2. Overscan set to zero in graphics card options
3. TV itself has sharpness control disabled (setting of -10 on my Sharp tv)
should then get 1:1 pixel mapping on tv and clear text
Depends on the user. I spent £30 on a HDMI 1.3a cable and reading text was the big let down for me. Tried many suggestions but no joy. Spent £7 on a DVI-D cable and much much better all round for me.
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