Can't really Afford GY F1s, other ideas?

16 Jan 2003
Kirkcaldy, Scotland
I need 4 new tyres and can't really afford the £70 odd quid a wheel I would have to pay for F1s. Are there any tyres that are almost as good but cheaper? What would competitors to the F1s be so I can check the prices for my car (205/55/16).
My Girlfriends Dads owns a fleet mobile tyre franchise so I get them for the price he pays for them :)

Still a bit confused so someone fill in the blank:

Psycrow can't afford F1s so the next best tyres are ___________ followed by ________ then maybe ________ :)
Ended up just getting 4 F1s as they were cheaper than quite a lot of the other tyres that were recomended. Also had my size listed wrong earlier

Ended up paying £65 for 205/50/16s, not bad :)
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