Can't resist any longer!

5 Nov 2010
Right, the only reason i don't have a bike at the moment is because i live in a flat and don't have any storage for one.. But i just can't resist any longer!

That said, what are your opinions with keeping a motorcycle outside?
I was thinking about getting the fattest security chain and alarm, best bike cover i can find, keeping it waxoiled and clean (goes without saying really) and maybe asking a friend/dad to use some garage space for long term storage if needs be.

Any issues you can see here?

Really want to get back out there on the road, spring is coming.
All of the above!

Use garage space if your not riding much.

If you want to ride every day in the summer keep it at your flat.
Use a ground anchor as well if they will let you put one in.
I think you have most the bases covered. A nice thick waterproof cover will also help.

I guess a lot depends on the area and if its the sort of area where some scally will push it over in the middle of the night for no reason etc.
All of the above!

Use garage space if your not riding much.

If you want to ride every day in the summer keep it at your flat.
Use a ground anchor as well if they will let you put one in.

Ground anchor won't me allowed :(

I think you have most the bases covered. A nice thick waterproof cover will also help.

I guess a lot depends on the area and if its the sort of area where some scally will push it over in the middle of the night for no reason etc.

I would definitely get the thickest, waterproof cover i can find.
As for the area, not bad and we have a locked private carpark (electric gates). The neighbours are ok.. ish. I trust them.

What i will have to do is go and ask a couple of people if they will have any problems with me having an area to park in rather than taking up a whole space.

I read somewhere that a large bucket filled with concrete makes quite a good anchor if you're not allowed to dig up the ground.

Haha, good idea!
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I have seen a metal bikeshed. It was just smaller than a normal parking space with triple locks on the door. The owner must have had permission from the council to use one of the parking spaces on a long term basis. I thought it was a good idea but they must cost a fair bit!
Will there be nowhere to chain it to? Not even any supplied cycle bays?

We actually have a bike "shed" area, but there is noway i can get a motorbike through the door and turn it around, it's logistically impossible :(

I have seen a metal bikeshed. It was just smaller than a normal parking space with triple locks on the door. The owner must have had permission from the council to use one of the parking spaces on a long term basis. I thought it was a good idea but they must cost a fair bit!

The flats are a new development (2 years old), not owned by the council, some private housing group. There is 1 allocated parking space per flat (not marked so its a free for all) and 2 spare spaces for visitors. I'm pretty sure i would get turned down in an instant. Good idea though :D

There are however lamp posts to chain too in the corner out of the way, may be an idea.. But i'm loving the bucket of concrete at idea so far.
A bucket of concrete can be moved, if its a desirable enough bike they will have it.

This chain and a lamppost will be more of a mission for them to get to.
If it's a desirable enough bike they'll have it anyway.


If they can be arsed to cut through a steal chain then they'll have no quarrels figuring out how to move a concrete block. If it's there every night then they'll certainly have the time to devise a plan.

I'm also fairly sure I read something about there being certain laws against chaining property to lamp posts for certain periods of time.

Sorry to be a pessimist but I don't think these particular solutions are ideal and neither can I think of any myself.
If its a locked private car park with gates like he says I cannot see it being to much of a problem... At the end of the day this is what we pay our stupidly high insurance premiums for... if it gets nicked you can replace it if worse really did come to worst. (or at least you would have an answer to your question then ;) )
If it's a desirable enough bike they'll have it anyway.

Yes I know that, but my point is.

A bucket of concrete is easier to move than it would be to cut through say an abus granite chain or even a lamppost.

If the giant metal post is already there in the ground, might as well use it ;)
If it were me I would forget locking it to something, if anyone is going to steal it they will, take up a whole parking space for your bike and park it there with a chain wrapped round the frame and the rear wheel to stop anyone from moving it.

Park it in full view of your flat if possible so you can have a security camera on it.

Make sure its alarmed.
just buy an aprilia or a ducati,no one will pinch that and if they do chances are it will break down before they reach the end of the carpark:D
My bike is parked outside and to help it stay there I have:-

Alarmed disclock
Heavy duty chain & ground anchor
I used to chain my bike to my car when I didn't have access to a ground anchor or a garage. Not that convenient as using the car meant moving the bike and leaving it unattached. However, it was better than nothing.
It just crossed my mind - you can also make a decoy.
You take a car relay, spray paint something with the word "alarm" on it, and slap it somewhere not too visible but not hidden enough, with a bit of wires exposed and leading under the seat.
And when they go for it thinking it's the real alarm, they find themselves puzzled when the "second" alarm goes off. :D
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