Captains Log (a fat steamy one)

19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Alright fellow gym slappers..

To summarise I have been (casually) into lifting for a few years but I have had over a year off from it and now I'm just getting back in to the swing of things again. Starting a log will no doubt inspire me further and hopefully I can gain some advice from the more knowledgeable.

I'm 6'3" and have always been skinny until I started training in my mid twenties. I was 10.5st when I started out and hover around the 14.5-15st mark now.

Progress photos:

Skinny runt...

June 2013...


I guess I need some stats (Jan 2013):
Height: 192cm (6'3")
Weight: 93.3kg (14.7st/205lbs)
BF%: Unknown (I estimate 14-16% right now maybe more?)
E-Penis: Average

Goals (Jan 2013):
Short term: More mass and strength. Complete HST cycle x 3.
Medium term: 115kg (254lbs) uncut (~20% BF)
Long term: 102kg (225lbs) cut (12-18% BF)

Goals (Jul 2013):
Short term: More mass and strength. Complete final HST cycle. Smash my PBs. Then cut until I return to the UK in September when I can hit the diet again and put lean weight on.
Medium term: Super bulk 115kg (254lbs) uncut (~20% BF)
Long term: 102kg (225lbs) cut & lean (12-18% BF)

So I have always done a basic 3 day split of Chest/Tri, Back/Bi, Shoulders/Legs. Now I have just began week one of a HST cycle. I will make thorough notes of my progress. This has been something I have been lazy with in the past. I have tended to just turn up and lift. I remember what I lifted the previous session and see if I can lift more. Recording my weight has never been a priority until now.

Now, having made notes of my weights and comparing them to others here I
realise that there are certain areas where my lifts are very weak. My back is my weakest area along with legs. Perhaps my height means narrow (weak) lats and calves? Or just MTFU? Nonetheless, making note of my lifts are now definitely a priority. I will update my lifts and progression through the cycle as I do it.

More can be read on HST here, here and here
Members such as Syla5 and BennyC are already knowledgeable on this cycle. I'd advise aiming technical questions about this routine at those members rather than myself first.

This is, and always has been, my biggest flaw. I'm bad with my diet. Usually I eat anything and everything (I just can/do) and usually I will gorge on crap like chocolate. I often go out with mates and drink heavily. I have smoked socially but recently quit.

My diet has been improved this last month in that I have cut much of the sugar and “bad” fat right down. I have upped my protein intake along with fruit and veg.

Problems I am facing at the moment:
  • Lack of decent carbs – usually only white rice & pasta available.
  • Lack of knowing food weights – I'm in the forces, I eat my main meals in a mess where my food is prepared for me, I have to estimate my weights.
  • Lack of knowing calories – I don't really know how much I'm intaking. I just eat until I'm full and then add more in between when I can.

For example of my daily diet I give you todays intake:
  • Morning: Protein Shale + ALCAR + Glutamine
  • Breakfast: 3 Chicken Breast, Salad, 1x Spoon white rice
  • Brunch: Banana + Yoghurt
  • Pre-Workout: Banana . 1/2 Shake + ALCAR + Glutamine. Coffee + sweetener.
  • Post workout: 1/2 Shake + Glutamine
  • Lunch: 1 chicken breast, 2 duck breast, 200g beef steak, veg + spoon white rice. 3 x cream crackers and cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: Banana
  • Dinner: 2 Chicken Breasts. 2 Eggs. 1 Spoon white rice. Salad
  • Snack: 3 x brown toast + Peanut butter
  • Supper: 1 slice brown bread, 2 sausages, 3 poached eggs tomatoes.
  • Bed -time: Calcium Caseinate Shake + Glutamine

I'm currently deployed so the eating times are set. Due to the fact I might be on duty doing something at any time of the day it means my breakfast might be the roast dinner provided from the evening menu. Sleep is currently taking a hit too as a result of deployment.

I wouldn't consider juicing. It's not for me and most importantly I'd lose my job, so natty all the way.
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Hypertrophy Specific Training.

I'm using a standard HST cycle template and seeing how we go from there. So for the first two weeks I shall be doing just one set of 15 reps for every exercise every working day. A HST week is Mon/Wed/Fri doing every exercise on every day. The cycle is broken down into "meso-cycles". The 15RM "meso-cycle" lasts from week 1 to week 2. The 10RM meso-cycle weeks 3-4. 5RM meso-cycle weeks 5-6. Then 2 weeks of negs or firther 5RMs. Then 2 weeks rest.

Taking bench press as example, my 15 rep max (RM) for bench is 60kg. This means I will work backwards from my 15RM of 60kg like so:

Mon 45kg
Wed 48kg
Fri 51kg
Mon 54kg
Wed 57kg
Fri 60kg

These are my 15RM/10RM/5RM for all exercises

Squat 60/80/90
Deadlift 70/80/100
Bench 60/75/85
Pull-Up BW/BW/BW (To failure then complete reps with negs)
DB Front Raise 12.5/*/* (Swapped in for UR Row - new RMs to be calculated)
DB Shrug 27/35/50
DB Shoulder Press 22/25/27
DB Lat Raise 12.5/15/20
DB Curl 12.5/15/17.5
DB Row 22/30/35
Dip BW/+10/+20
Calf Press 130/160/190
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Supplements: (click for linky)

Protein Works Whey 80
The Cherry Bakewell flavour is delicious.
The lemon shortcake is also recommended, not as sweet and found it lighter than cherry.
I've really liked this supplement, it's easy to drink and it has caused me no issues in the bowel department. I will be buying another bag.

Calcium Caseinate 90
Trust the best supplement I have to taste vile. To me it has a chemically taste and a lingering after taste that can make me wretch, yet others report that it tastes fine/has no taste at all. It's the worst when taken with milk, I found orange juice/cordial the best mixer. This is a great slow release supplement to be taken just before sleep. I have definitely felt a difference in recovery when I have or haven't taken it.

Protein Works Glutamine
Allegedly promotes muscle growth & improves post workout recovery.
I have been taking this for a few months. People are dubious of its benefits, plus it is expensive for what you get. I have had no problems with this and I have been taking it since starting the whey above so I can't say whether it does or doesn't benefit my workouts.

Protein Works Acetyl L-Carnitine
A premium quality amino acid which the body uses to convert fat into energy production. I decided to give this a try. It's a strange substance, gets a bit sticky and clumps together in the bag. You consume a tiny scoop (500mg) 3x a day.

"L Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate (OAKG) is a strong lean tissue building formula designed for the serious athlete."
Super sour flavour, best to be mixed with whey before bed. I don't mind it on its own though. Weirdo

MyProtein Isolate Whey
I have never agreed with MP whey. It gives me terrible stools, even the Isolate stuff recommended for such problems. Ended up binning 2.5kg out of date!
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Lats and calves comment made me face palm :(

Swap white rice out for whole grain. Problem solved there. I don't even know what to say about the rest of your diet. It's huge. Can't believe quite how much meat you're eating daily, but if you are a hard gainer so to speak then it makes sense.

Regarding HST cycle, I know a few members see shrugs as generally not the best, and tricep extensions I suspect almost everyone would say swap out for dips. Also chin ups for biceps :)

Also, how are you splitting that set of exercises by day?

Lats and calves comment made me face palm :(

Swap white rice out for whole grain. Problem solved there. I don't even know what to say about the rest of your diet. It's huge. Can't believe quite how much meat you're eating daily, but if you are a hard gainer so to speak then it makes sense.

Regarding HST cycle, I know a few members see shrugs as generally not the best, and tricep extensions I suspect almost everyone would say swap out for dips. Also chin ups for biceps :)

Also, how are you splitting that set of exercises by day?


The lats/calves comment was just my train of thought. Could being long = longer (albeit thinner) muscles = lesser strength. Or am I way off the mark with this train of thought? I'm ridiculously weak at pull-ups for example. Wish I was a little more squat, I'm sure I'd have more strength?

Read my post again you heathen! I can't swap out the carbs for wholegrain. :D I have to eat what I'm given. About the best I can get is brown bread. The rest is white rice, pasta and chips. On the flip side, yeah there is a lot of meat to be had. I can have as much meat as I can fit in, so I stack my plate with chicken, beef and fish.

The way the HST cycle works is you do ALL those exercises in one session, 3x a week. I will update my post above accordingly.

Here is the routine:



BB Up Row
DB Shoulder Press
Lat Raise
DB Curl
DB Row
Tricep Exts



*Same exercises as above*



*Same exercises as above*

The key is to end up on your last day of each 2 week "meso-cycle" hitting your RM for that many reps. So say my 10RM for bench was 95kg the two week meso-cycle for bench would look like this:

Week 3
Mon 10x70kg, 10x70kg
Wed 10x75kh, 10x75kg
Fri 10x80kg, 10x80kg
Week 4
Mon 10x85kg, 10x85kg
Wed 10x90kg, 10x90kg
Fri 10x95kg, 10x95kg

I'd do this for all those exercises 3 times a week. Then when I get to week 5-6 (the 5RM meso-cycle) I start:

Mon 5x95kg, 5x95kg,5x95kg

...and then increment the weight accordingly each day until I'm hitting my 5RM on Week 6 Fri.

The thing with doing the exercises over two weeks means I might swap between exercises. So Week 1 I could do Tri Ext, then week 2 dips, week 3 tri ext, week 4 dips, etc.
Haha, that's how I eat when I was out of area.

Not sure where you are, but the messes we had were yank ran/24 hours and simply amazing. Eat like a king. Can't eat like that in the UK messes, lucky if you can hit recommended calories these days.
I'll be watching this log! :D I have a friend who really struggles to gain weight and is forever asking advice :( It will good to see how you get on and good luck on them goals :D

I don't know but I think that spicy tomato pasta is a great weight gainer. I have to force myself not to eat it by the Kg :D
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Dips > tri extensions, especially once you get a dipping belt.

Just got back from the gym. Swapped all tri exts for dips. I was going to do an A and B exercise on the Tri's but thin kI'll just see how we go on the dips alone for now.

I'll be watching this log! :D I have a friend who really struggles to gain weight and is forever asking advice :( It will good to see how you get on and good luck on them goals :D

I don't know but I think that spicy tomato pasta is a great weight gainer. I have to force myself not to eat it by the Kg :D

Eat! Being a hard gainer does mean you can be a little more loose with your diet I guess. When I was struggling from 10.5st I was eating anything and everything, whenever, wherever. Like bloody Pacman! Of course carbs are an easier way to go about this however this time round I'm trying less carbs and much more protein. I think you shouldn't over-do the cardio either.

Haha, that's how I eat when I was out of area.

Not sure where you are, but the messes we had were yank ran/24 hours and simply amazing. Eat like a king. Can't eat like that in the UK messes, lucky if you can hit recommended calories these days.


I supplement my mess meals with "meso-meals" all the time. Tins of tuna and mackerel aplenty in my rucksack!
Just got back from the gym. Swapped all tri exts for dips. I was going to do an A and B exercise on the Tri's but thin kI'll just see how we go on the dips alone for now.

Eat! Being a hard gainer does mean you can be a little more loose with your diet I guess. When I was struggling from 10.5st I was eating anything and everything, whenever, wherever. Like bloody Pacman! Of course carbs are an easier way to go about this however this time round I'm trying less carbs and much more protein. I think you shouldn't over-do the cardio either.


I supplement my mess meals with "meso-meals" all the time. Tins of tuna and mackerel aplenty in my rucksack!

Hence why I have a George Foreman in work ;)
Added my RMs above to post 2. A few things bothering me:

The difference in weight of RMs for the lower weight exercises such as curl and lat raise are negligible. I have read that you can avoid zig-zagging by just raising your starting weights. This will mean I'm going to tread water on a lot of sessions though. On lats for example my progress will go as follows (due to lack of weight increments on the dumbbells):

7.5, 7.5, 10
10, 12.5, 12.5
12.5, 12.5, 12.5,
15, 15, 15
15, 17.5, 17.5,
17.5, 20, 20.

Squats and deadlifts aren't great and my back work is embarrassing as expected (assisted pull ups :( ). I hope to make the biggest gains on these come my 2nd full cycle.

Bench and shoulders I'm relatively happy with. Hope to be pushing 85x10 and 100x5 by next full cycle. That would be good progress for me.
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Into my HST cycle week 1 and it turns out the scales out here aren't at all accurate. This means no weight record for a few months! :(
just noticed you had weeks 1 & 2 down as 15x 1 it should be 15x2!!

also dont worry to much about zig zagging, i was doing this through cycle 1 then just adjusted throuhg cycle 2.

For the assistance exercises its fine to stay at lower weights for more then one session.

The important thing is to avoid zig zagging on your big compound lifts.

Also i see your doing assisted pull ups. You will be better of doing as many as you can un assisted and then just doing the rest as negatives, so use a box/step and start at the top of the rep and really slowly lower yourself down.
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just noticed you had weeks 1 & 2 down as 15x 1 it should be 15x2!!

also dont worry to much about zig zagging, i was doing this through cycle 1 then just adjusted throuhg cycle 2.

For the assistance exercises its fine to stay at lower weights for more then one session.

The important thing is to avoid zig zagging on your big compound lifts.

Also i see your doing assisted pull ups. You will be better of doing as many as you can un assisted and then just doing the rest as negatives, so use a box/step and start at the top of the rep and really slowly lower yourself down.

Ah really!? Confusing, I'm sure the guide I read said 15x1. Maybe some peoples routines differ? It would be simple to adjust if not any how. Thanks :)

I'll adjust the pullups as you suggest. I was just aiming to do the full 15 reps at consistent weight, but I guess your method will improve my back strength more than assisted. I was the same on dips when I started out when younger, I couldn't push more than 1 out. Now I'm pushing weighted sets easily. The main problem I have with pull ups is the initiation of the back muscles. I seem to be all arm work up there, and that's where I fail quickly.
Special delivery today :) Sad to be so excited over tinned fish.


We started the 10RM meso-cycle this week. Enjoying this routine so far, it is just beginning to pick up in effort now. Will update my log of lifts tomorrow. Since beginning I have changed out the upright row for DB front raises. The pull ups are unassisted to failure then negs for the remaining reps. I suck bad at these but I am already feeling stronger in the back.
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Update time.

Finished the 4th week of this cycle today and we're loving it. Feeling quite fatigued at the moment but it has been a heavy week on duty to.

This is my weight log so far.

Weeks 1 & 2. 15 reps.

Weeks 3 & 4. 10 reps.

Hitting my RM for all except my pull ups still weak, getting there though. Keep looking at the weight and thinking my DL and Squat in particular should be much more. Have to tell myself not to focus on the weight, just the fact I am constantly progressing the weight in order to gain strength and size.

Next week we begin 5reps. I think these will be easier than the 10's. Will see eh!

Weighed myself yesterday at 96.5kg. I don't trust the scales here though so that weight is with a pinch of salt.
Cardio and Mobility day.

Some of this...



Followed by a 5.7k steady run.

Best workout track of the day.
First week of 5's complete. As expected I am enjoying these much more than any other. Exercises that fatigue quickly such as DB shoulder press I would have failed trying for 27x10 but 27x5 is easily achieved so going to push to 30x5 next session despite that being my 5RM.

Oh and all that Mackerel I had arrive above. Well it was a day or two later I saw on the news that Mackerel is now off the MSC fish-to-eat list :( made me feel sad.

...and favourite music in the gym last night.
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