Captains Log (a fat steamy one)

Mackerel. Big fat yes.

Zero care about what the MSC says, my mouth tells me it is still very much on the "to eat" list.
Pushed my Shoulder Press to 30kg yesterday. I failed my sets but I was chuffed to get that weight up there. Feeling stronger on the DL too so hopefully in the near future I can manage some real weight.

I have soon identified a flaw in my HST plan. All my exercises increase in weight on the same days. IMO it would be better to stagger out those increments so I'm less likely to fail a set somewhere.

Oh and had the old skool beats on yesterday :D

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Weeks 5 & 6 of HST complete.


Pushed many of my 5RM over slightly. Still focusing more on form for DL than weight. Shoulders have been rounding down on them. Must get a video up for some critique on those!

Happy I pushed 100 on the bench. I will be looking forward to the next cycle to see if I can increase my "big 3" by 10% or so next time. Pull ups proving to be little bitches but I enjoy them nonetheless.

It's causing a lot of pain in my supporting shoulder doing DB BOR. It isn't good pain and can't understand how I'm positioned wrong. Have tried positioning my hand more forward or backward to no avail. I'm tempted to swap this out next cycle as the pain impedes some other exercises especially front raises.

Do you have the problem of all fat going straight to stomach/midriff?

Do you mean in general, or since I started this HST routine? If you mean during this new routine I would say I haven't gained any fat, rather some lean mass and maybe dropped a little BF. If you mean prior to this then yes, but that is to be expected considering I did very little phys for a year. My diet has been poor over that time and hey, I'm now in my 30's :p

Are you having any issues regarding fat?
I enjoy HST everytime I do it, made some good consistent progress with it.

Not quite sure what happened with your last workout of 5's for bench or were you just lifting heavier for giggles? Haven't read the rest of this log, so apologies if you've explained it elsewhere!
I just felt much stronger that last session so figured why not push on. Either my initial week of working out my RMs was rubbish or that is just the effect of HST :D

My next cycle I will be looking to hit 100kg for week 5 and pushing beyond in week 6 now I know I can move that weight.

No worries, my log is rather WORDY! :p
I just felt much stronger that last session so figured why not push on. Either my initial week of working out my RMs was rubbish or that is just the effect of HST :D

My next cycle I will be looking to hit 100kg for week 5 and pushing beyond in week 6 now I know I can move that weight.

No worries, my log is rather WORDY! :p

Strength increases are quite significant, normally a 5KG increase on most main compounds, come the second cycle of HST.

Next time I think I'll extend it to 8 weeks and have two weeks of tripples, as I don't have a TP for negatives.

It's a pretty good return (gain wise) for 6 weeks of training.
So after week 6 of HST we thought we would try out for some PBs today and I managed 105, 140 and 150 for Bench, Squat and DL respectively. That will do for now as I think it's too early to be stressing my body too much setting PBs when I haven't really been lifting long.

The aim now will be looking to be able to rep out bench for 100x5x3 comfortably. Squat and DL will be focusing technique and keeping that DL tight, regardless of weight. That means if the weight isn't high then it ain't high, I don't care so long as it's tidy. Only then I will look at pushing those PBs. 200 for DL one day would be a fantastic achievement for me.

Oh yeah, and music today was lots of RAGE :D
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After a short time off the gym (I returned from deployment and partied for a week), I have begun my 2nd HST cycle. My first week back and it's surprising how difficult 15 reps are right now. They feel like a real grind.

Much to the amusement of some people around me, (and myself - to some degree) I managed to go full retard on the bench and somehow drop the bar on my face?! It wasn't the full weight as I struggled to hold it up but I think it was a combination of fatigue and lack of focus where I got to the 12th rep and my arms just went over and down :D terrible.

On another note. After returning from deployment, pretty much everyone has commented how much bigger I look since I saw them last. I didn't think I had grown much but apparently it is noticeable, particularly across my shoulders and arms (gun sho yo?). No doubt the progressive overload of HST + my mammoth diet has induced this. I'm looking forward to more gains with my 2nd cycle.

I'll try get some photos up soon.
Time for update.

My attempt at the 2nd HST cycle fell short. A chest injury, illness and work precluded any serious commitment and without that the cycle is a waste of time. So I bummed around in the gym for a while just shifting weights trying not to lose "it".

Fast fwd to May and I've redeployed and now have the ability to focus completely on my routine. Week 3 now of 2nd cycle and it feels harder than the 1st cycle! Saying that, I'm working out in a slightly different climate to last time. I'm also struggling with the diet, due to sheer lack of it really. Supplements are proving vital in getting those extra calories, as well as lots of tinned fish being shipped out to me!
No more bench to face action? Will be watching this thread as it is relevant to my interests. I will be relying on whey a little when away.
My god, why is back work so difficult. Still struggling with wide grip pull ups. I just don't feel like I engage my back at all, it's all arms. Also went backwards with DL today, but I'm shattered so it's no surprise.
Keep your scaps back with with pull ups, imagine pulling from the elbows as well.

I presume you've done negatives as well?
Into the "5's" of the HST. Like this stage as you feel progress.

I know I'm not getting enough decent food so I'm feeling it compared to my last HST cycle. I haven't even been keeping note of my weights this time, just heading into the gym knowing what I did last time round and attempting the same.

I've failed a few times to hit the same weights though so I've dropped the weight where necessary and finished my set. I've kind of written this cycle off as a "bedding in" cycle ready for the 2nd cycle. The lack of food is a hinderance so I think after that 2nd cycle I'm going to cut and see if I can lean down instead.

Current 3x5's: Bench 90kg, Squat 120kg, DL 140kg.

EDIT: just noted my Squat and DL has come on a lot more since my last cycle, so I can't be too displeased, I think I'm going slightly mad with the heat! Happy days :D
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Managed to get some photos..

Jan 2013
June 2013

Jan 2013
June 2013
Yeah, you like that peachy ass in those tight orange shorts, don't ya? Phaggot.

June 2013
Tiny package shot! Yeah, I'm not sure how to present my legs without looking like a cheap trick stood on the road side. "YES!" to Deadlift scabs.... Also, calves say "hell no, we won't grow".

and just for fun, we don't need skin on our hands. Makes fapping more dangerous too.
Strong hand gains. I didn't see this log until now, you're one cheeky **** m8 so I'll be following this. Still mire how anyone can be bothered doing a gym workout while over there!
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