Captains Log (a fat steamy one)

My god, why is back work so difficult. Still struggling with wide grip pull ups. I just don't feel like I engage my back at all, it's all arms. Also went backwards with DL today, but I'm shattered so it's no surprise.
Into the "5's" of the HST. Like this stage as you feel progress.

I know I'm not getting enough decent food so I'm feeling it compared to my last HST cycle. I haven't even been keeping note of my weights this time, just heading into the gym knowing what I did last time round and attempting the same.

I've failed a few times to hit the same weights though so I've dropped the weight where necessary and finished my set. I've kind of written this cycle off as a "bedding in" cycle ready for the 2nd cycle. The lack of food is a hinderance so I think after that 2nd cycle I'm going to cut and see if I can lean down instead.

Current 3x5's: Bench 90kg, Squat 120kg, DL 140kg.

EDIT: just noted my Squat and DL has come on a lot more since my last cycle, so I can't be too displeased, I think I'm going slightly mad with the heat! Happy days :D
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Managed to get some photos..

Jan 2013
June 2013

Jan 2013
June 2013
Yeah, you like that peachy ass in those tight orange shorts, don't ya? Phaggot.

June 2013
Tiny package shot! Yeah, I'm not sure how to present my legs without looking like a cheap trick stood on the road side. "YES!" to Deadlift scabs.... Also, calves say "hell no, we won't grow".

and just for fun, we don't need skin on our hands. Makes fapping more dangerous too.
Thanks for the big-up, appreciated. Now if only someone who actually lifts would comment...


I've come to the end of my HST 2nd cycle for this year. Gains were definitely had, despite the lacking diet. Feeling strong and loving squats and DL. I am now taking a period "off" with light weights, high reps and HIIT for 2 weeks.

Cardio reps and HIIT with a low calorie intake is torture!

Yesterdays routine went something like...

low-bar Squats


BB Bench

WG Pull ups

Treadmill 15mins HIIT
Bike 15mins HIIT

Fortunately I had this in my ears the whole way to help me along :)

I'm going to drop the weights for now on until next HST cycle though.
HST 3rd Cycle has begun and this first week has reminded me, I friggin hate 15's!! They make me feel so weak! Dat pump though :) All you fanny's in the FB group whining about the temperature though... bitches, please! Granted I have SOME aircon in the gym but it's 45c+ outside, no aircon can keep it cool enough in what is effectively a tent!

Today went 15x2 for...
Squats 60
Deadlift 60
BB Bench Press 60
Pull Up BW
DB Front Raise 10
Lat Pull Down 45
DB Shoulder Press 15
DB Lat Raise 10
DB Curl 10
DB Row 20
Dip BW
Calf Press 100

Them 15reps of calf press! :( I dare say that my back feels like it is coming along quite nicely. It was my weakest point but now I am feeling stronger, wide grip pull ups are good and I believe I have put size on there. I'll let photos do the talking in a few weeks time though.

Music that helps!

Pantera, really loud in my ears today. Although I'm feeling weak this always helps me with that final few pushes.

Bruises indeed.

and some hardcore [**** the phaggot crap they play in every gym!!]...

Decided I ought to make my log a little more interesting too! Gents, I present my perfect 10. She is like a shiny football sticker when you were young, or that McDonalds Monopoly piece that you never find to complete your set for £5000 cash. Just, fantastic.

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I agree 12's would be much better for me also come to think of it. 15's are just a grind. Things like shoulder press, and front raises, I end up going to jelly. Some of this weakness is definitely attributable to my diet (lack there of), my work+sleep pattern and the climate. I'm going to stick with them for now though as it has given me results so far. I don't want to fix it if it isn't broken (yet).
I never knew people did as you say and alternate them! I have always done both exercises every session without fail. You will notice though that for my 15s I am considerably light for both exercises and I crank them up towards the end of my 5's. I'll be honest though, the actual weight figures don't worry me too much, so long as they are going up every session. I hope I'm right in the thinking that, well my muscles don't "know" what I'm lifting and the whole idea of HST and progressive overload is to just "trick" your muscles to grow to compensate for this progressive overload. This is also why your 1-2 week de-conditioning is important at the end of the cycle.

The routine is very flexible and you can reconfigure it to your requirements, so if you need to alter things up don't be afraid that you will miss out all kinds of gains. You won't, so long as you subscribe to the progressive load mantra. See how you feel buddy, you will know what your body is telling you :)

Oh, and always do both squats and DL before anything else. I save dips for last too, that always makes me cry like a little girl at the end of a good hour in the gym :)
At least someone posts in my log I guess :( :D

Ya, you're right to question the BW/Pullups and Benny has the best answer with the assisted. It's difficult for me to do assisted so I just keep going at the non-assisted. If I can't finish my set of 15 PU's fully I will go ahead and finish them for negatives instead. I've found them to come along quite well as a result and Im hoping I can start adding weight to a belt come my 10's and 5's (o'lawd).

I really do love/hate the 15's. 15 DL & squat reps just destroy me, but at the end, that pump!! Once I'm on 5's I'm loving it and feeling STRONG. Keep at it mate :)
Not wanting to teach you to suck eggs, but your priority is in progressing the weight of the "big 3" exercises and eating LOTS. Hypertrophy will be had if you do that.
So that is week 2 of HST done, and the 15s out of the way again. So glad that is over!

I keep saying it, but the sheer heat and lack of air in the gym in Afghan is a killer. I do my squats then DLs (or vice versa) and then I'm pretty much shagged. The session before last I had to scrub off, after doing those two exercises I nearly threw up and had to lay down for a good hour. Not nice. I also seem to have aggravated something in my chest/rib area. The doctor suspects it is some muscular-skeletal damage and I'm on a month prescription of anti inflammatory tablets. Was told to take it easy in the gym whilst it mends... yeah right. That will conflict with my gains plan!!

So 10's next week and time to crank the weight up. Here is my log for 15's.

Music that I have almost died in the gym to. Hnng

Also I know Stoodles et al will like this...
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Broke the dip bar today :p

put my 15rep weights up (above). Happy to see that for some exercises I am doing the same weight now at 15reps than what I was doing for 5reps at the beginning of the year. Progress!
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