thought it rang a bell , a long time ago i had this with a brother and sister she bought the car on finance and the brother ran it, it didnt end well when he wrote it off and legged it . the police came knocking on her door....
further to that try reading this to your girlfreind
Can you take out car finance in your name if the car is for someone else? This is called an accommodation deal, and it causes considerable confusion.
in short sorry about the length...
Ever heard of an accommodation deal? In this case, it’s nothing to do with booking your next holiday but rather a finance arrangement that people try to use to get someone else to take out car finance on their behalf.
Whilst the concept of an accommodation deal is not illegal, the concept of fraud most certainly is. Finance companies have become very sensitive to accommodation deal agreements in recent years, and they are on the lookout for these arrangements.
Usually, as part of the terms and conditions of your finance contract, you are declaring that you will be the registered owner and keeper of the vehicle, and that you will be the main driver.
If you are applying for finance on behalf of someone else, and you do not intend to be the primary user of the vehicle, you will be lying to the finance company and that is considered fraud. In such circumstances, both persons involved (the one unable to get finance and the one applying for it on their behalf) would be committing fraud by attempting to deceive the finance company.
If someone asks you to apply for car finance on their behalf, the correct answer is NO. In addition to the legal issues surrounding an accommodation deal as outlined above, money issues tend to destroy friendships and relationships.