So, were done!
Completed the loop with the extra tubing that arrived yesterday, got about 1.5 metres spare from a total order of 6 metres!
Then it was the all important filling time! Pro tip here, when you start filling the res and run the pump, your going to get lots of bubbles and the coolant will splash everywhere, like all over your carpet.... Luckilly the mayhems Pastel washed out with just some water

Anyway, blue(CPU) loop first...
Aaaaand when that was filled and bled, time for the red (GPU) loop
So, then it was onto a period of air bleeding/leak testing, I wasn't too through with leak testing as I've already kind of done it when flushing the system. And finally, I can get the case door on, plug in the lighting (escuse the visible molex) and see my work
So then I fired up Prime to do some CPU testing and Furmark 3D to stress the GPU. I immediately pushed the GPU overclock further then I was on air, the card is now +200mhz on the GPU and +500mhz on the memory, these temps were taken just before the 15 min furmark stress testing finished.
Not bad, 4079 Furmark points running the built in 1080 test, this puts me just below the Radeon HD 6970 CF (4704 points), the best performing standard 680 is the EVGA with 2699 points, not bad at all, especially to say that the GPU didn't even go into its overclock settings at this point as can be seen by the Precision X screenshot, during game it actually hit its power target so can be seen as overclocking correctly.
The CPU was tested with prime95 as I say and never got above 50c, this is a 2500k OC'd to 4.3 GHZ, il be heading for 4.5 and maybe 4.7 in the next few days, no photos of this sadly.
Gaming temps were, as expected, lower than stress testing, the GPU never got above 36c and the CPU was just below 50.
Not too bad from GPU temps of about 65 before and CPU of 70+ during stress testing!