Carburetor issues CBR125RS6

Ok so I left it and the filter came today, Fitted it, same problem =/ I honestly am now really puzzled as to what the problem is, I've checked all the hoses, Changed the spark plug, changed the air filter, new fuel, new oil, new coolant, I am at my wits end :(
drained petrol tank of fuel just incase water has got in there? by a hotter plug i meant one grade higher than the spark plug you have installed, clean the spark plug cap and spray inside it with wd40 to drive out any damp/moisture ect
since you have done the basics i think its electrical

coil lead and cap are what i would replace

after a quick google it seems a common problem. im sure if you do a google you should be able to get the specs for the resistance that the coil should give off and test with a multi meter. the specs will give you a range that the resistance should be in
drained petrol tank of fuel just incase water has got in there? by a hotter plug i meant one grade higher than the spark plug you have installed, clean the spark plug cap and spray inside it with wd40 to drive out any damp/moisture ect

Did that originally, completely drained and re-fulled it, Still same problem, Currently I can't get the spark plug out, don't have a spanner that fits so i'll have to get one tommorow, might try looking at that again.
Did that originally, completely drained and re-fulled it, Still same problem, Currently I can't get the spark plug out, don't have a spanner that fits so i'll have to get one tommorow, might try looking at that again.

look in your toolkit that comes with the bike,should have socket for spark plug,still could be what the above post suggests,faulty coil(the thing the spark plug lead connects to,other end of the plug cap)
since you have done the basics i think its electrical

coil lead and cap are what i would replace

after a quick google it seems a common problem. im sure if you do a google you should be able to get the specs for the resistance that the coil should give off and test with a multi meter. the specs will give you a range that the resistance should be in

Okay, How would I test the coil lead and cap? would I Simply put the multimeter tips up the cap?
before you go and buy a coil check the resistance.

still could be other problems to be honest but do your checks first. if you know a guy with a compression tester also that is worth a shot you should be looking at around 195 psi according to a online haynes

take the cap of the ht lead and the lead out of the coil and check them all separately make sure your meter is set to ohms thats obviously not the same coil but principle is the same
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no electric shocks will happen lol
i just edited my above post have a look

oh and when you check your ht lead .... give it a wiggle whilst keeping an eye on the multi meter, what you are looking for is a break in the lead that could cause these issues due to it vibrating about
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no electric shocks will happen lol
i just edited my above post have a look

oh and when you check your ht lead .... give it a wiggle whilst keeping an eye on the multi meter, what you are looking for is a break in the lead that could cause these issues due to it vibrating about

Ok, I am still unsure which end or what im supposed to be testing with the multimeter,

here's a picture of the CBR coil and cap, where am I supposed to be testing??

unscrew the ht lead off the coil
then test on the little screw where the lead goes and on the earth which by the looks of it would be where the bottom bolt goes in the pic
Ok, Will do, gonna do it now :)

EDIT: I don't have a service manual, and cannot find the resistances im supposed to be looking out for online? anyone know where I Can find them?
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so here's my ignition coil thing:




If you are referring to the long cable going into the black coil thing, I can't unscrew it there is no way too, the other two ends are just screw holes that go into the frame which is the ground I assume? I can't see any way of testing it like this? also the multimeter I have doesn't work, Do you mean test the small cable?
you might do better phoning local bike/honda dealer and asking them what the resistance should be for that bike/coil model,they will look it up and tell you
True =/, I need to know where to measure first, I can't see anyway to get the HT lead off the coil in order to test it. Maybe im better off letting a garage know and seeing if they can fix it.
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