Career Suggestion Website in Early Beta

24 Sep 2007
Hi Guys

I have come up with a new website concept. It's for people that can't think what to do for a career, and it just makes a random career suggestion. I have a very early beta version up at:

Do you think this is a useful concept? Would you use this website?

I need to add a lot more careers into my database. Feel free to suggest careers I should add to it in the thread, preferably with a short explanation about the career. If you want to explain/publicise your own career, now's your chance!

But for a lot of careers that's utterly useless. You might need years of training, or prior experience, etc, etc.

If you actually want to make the site even remotely useful, why not take a little info (not least of all because that's more useful for targeted marketing/advertising) and try to match aptitude/interests with certain career paths and/or sectors?

At the moment it's little more than a random word generator (for phrases beginning with the Letter A).
Agree with above, but if you could have *some* logic to it, where you put at least something in there you liked etc. and it would depend on the Db you have for job suggestions?

One of the main issues with the what to do when you leave school question is, kids/ people don't know what jobs are out there. The guidance is poor.
Example; in my A levels I was offered an interview with Sky Sports through a friend of my mum's friend. You would be self employed, go to sports events and you sit in the lorry out back doing all the action replays. It was a cool job and you got 250 a day and all expenses paid for going to places like PGA, the Open etc. whatever.

Who thinks, that's what I want to do when I grow up!? No one.
Errr... What is the point of that?

No I don't think it is a useful concept, no I would not use it. For the reasons cited above, plus the fact that it just isn't a very well made site in the first place.

Also, there are about 5 careers that all start with A?

Try again! :p
If you actually want to make the site even remotely useful, why not take a little info (not least of all because that's more useful for targeted marketing/advertising) and try to match aptitude/interests with certain career paths and/or sectors?

At the moment it's little more than a random word generator (for phrases beginning with the Letter A).

I could later add something that matched aptitude/interests to careers, and I might do that.

Less, it is a random generator. I thought I would be doing something different here as I haven't seen this done before. It's for the people that have no clue what to do, to give them ideas.
Errr... What is the point of that?

Also, there are about 5 careers that all start with A?

It's for the people that can't think of anything to do. It's like a random idea generator.

I know there isn't much career data in it at the moment, I will be adding many more careers, it's just very early stage.
I think you are missing one key point. People who have no clue what they want to do as a career (like literally no idea, not even an inkling) don't want a career, they want a minimum wage retail job ;)
it's a great idea that needs refining, you're close though!

a lot of people don't know what they want, or have an idea but don't know how to get into it, this could be that olive branch.

for example, I love IT and games, not very bright, but I got my degree in multimedia / computer science (there was no object orientated programming at the time, just website design in asp classic and php), but I got a junior job in london, worked up to team leader and knew that was as far as I could go, so used my experience to change to project management in an agency environment and now working up management.

The point here is instead of stopping because of blockers, I side stepped them and moved into something relevant to progress my career. Now I no longer develop software, but I'm heavily surrounded in it.

I think people don't always see this thought process and need to have options shown to them to develop their career.
I think it might be a cool idea... but as others have said needs refining.

What do you enjoy?

- Making a difference
- Holding things
- Lateral motion

Recommended job: Fluffer

Could be quite a cool concept. But makes the logic a bit more work for you on the backend! But if you're going to deliver any value, things are not going to be so easy.
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