Carl Zeiss lens appreciation thread

That's not a valid argument against someone's credibility any more than saying "oh you bought it you must be fanboy". The decision to buy something or not is symptomatic of their views on the product not causal 99% of the time.


Obviously the :) was lost on you.

I agree with Danoliver1 though, it would be nice to see some of the results from these supposed 'inferior' lenses rather than the thread being hijacked by the usual suspects.
I'm talking primarily of the DSLR lineup not the M mount stuff which is completely irrelevant to my uses. As DP mentioned the Planar 50 and 85 1.4's are very average performers and very expensive with it. The Otus might be great but it goes completely away from your ideal of a simple optical construction and it's ridiculously expensive with it. There are a lot of gems in the lineup, sure, but they're almost all very expensive and compared to some of the first party and even third party options they look like very questionable value propositions. I'm not saying Zeiss has no merits I'm saying it's hardly surprising that lenses that cost as much as the best lenses in the Canikon lineups are then criticised for not matching up optically, so obviously questions such as Raymond's are going to come up and a simple of retort of "god why do people care about IQ get a life and spend £1k on a lens never mind the performance" type responses isn't really going to do much to convince anyone.

Thats fair enough mate. I've never used a ZEISS prime on a DSLR so wouldn't know how they perform, but like Ray said, the manual focus on DSLR's now is just laughable as its pretty much not supported. Fuji X system did the right thing making the focus peaking, which is bringing manual focus back to users in a good way.
If the thread was called carl zeiss lenses vs nikon and canon lenses then i would agree but its not, if you want to post about how good your nikon lenses are then do it in a nikon thread not a carl zeiss one. Iam only interested in zeiss and the thoughts of zeiss users.

Soon! Its absolutely belting it down outside with thunder and lightning to boot. Not going out in that lol.
Well I appreciate Carl Zeiss T* lenses..... problems is it means I'm stuck in the 90's... Oh and all mine ARE autofocus :p

That said I don't get why they don't make the new stuff autofocus, lame excuses.
Personally that is enough to stop me even considering them on a newer DSLR body.
As for possible lack of sharpness out to the corners etc, as the fashion seems to shoot everything wide open, then isn't it the out of focus areas and how they are rendered that is actually more important? ...
Unless your shooting a planner surface parallel to the sensor there will be bugger all in focus wide open away from the focus point anyway.
Here's my Zeiss:


Oh wait... ;)
Here are my Zeiss lenses:



Left is a 80/2.8 Planar, right is a older 75/3.5 Tessar.

From the Tessar:


Two from the Planar:

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Due to the poor weather and truly awful schedule I have at the moment, I'm really struggling to find the time to put this lens through its paces, however I did nip out for a few minutes yesterday between the rain and took this:

In the way by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

On a complete tangent, I've stopped any major editing on my shots and started shooting jpeg. What you see is what my camera took. The black and white jpegs from a leica camera are stunning imo and provoke me to shoot more with it, which is nice!
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