Carmack vows to move from pc to xb360

MrWhippy said:
well on the one hand it seems a shame.
it's our loss (the PC gameing crowd).

on the other hand, this fella probably did more than most to further the PC games industry. if he's protecting his future fortune, well he earned it already in my book.

I agree with you completely, but the real shame is he now appears 2 be going backwards, not forwards in pc terms. Obviously he see's a real opportunity with the x-box and maybe eventually with the playstation 3 :)
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this is kinda old news it was in last months PC gamer.
One of the big reasons is because of all the PC piracy, which in my opinion is a joke. I have been offered game i want in work, but say no i am going to buy them (call em sad i dont care) but i like going out and buying a new game.
But also in the same article he said regarding the new engine
We're doing simultanious development on xbox360, PC and we intend to release on Playstation 3 simultaniously as well...
It just sucks that the primary testing is going to be done on a console, tested for a joypad and a pain for kb and mouse.
ste_bla said:
Why cant they event a kb and mouse combi for the 360? best of both worlds surely?

Probably not all that commercially viable. How many people do you know who bought the Dreamcast kb+mouse?

The trouble is that your average gamer will be quite happy sat there playing a game with a joypad because he doesn't know any better. Unless they are a hardcore PC FPS/RTS gamer they probably won't see the attraction in using a kb+mouse to control their games. So the bottom line is that the market for such devices really isn't that large, dispite the fact that a small minority would like to use them. And because of that, it means that most developers wouldn't bother wasting a lot of time configuring/optimising their games to be played with kb+mouse.

Then again, maybe if you could use a kb+mouse on the xbox360, and it was well supported by software, it would encourage more people (e.g. me) to consider buying the console.
ste_bla said:
Why cant they event a kb and mouse combi for the 360? best of both worlds surely?
would at least possibly make some people move over.

I want to see how they are going to do MMORPGs with a control pad, as i heard they were working on World Of Warcraft for the xbox360 :eek:
The thing i hate most about games created on a console is the PC conversions. They are usually always rushed, the graphical options can be limited. I just hope ID do a better job and a make a decent PC istead of a console game that runs on a PC like so many others.
Yep, I certainly hope they don't forget their PC heritage. If iD's games are about anything, they've always been about pushing technology forwards (even though they have more competition there than ever before) and they can't really do that on a console: the 360 is gonna be the exact same spec at the end of its lifespan 4-5 years from now, whereas when you're making PC games you can afford to spec them towards what the high end ofthe market will be at the end of your development cycle two years from when you start. Unless of course Carmack's thrown in the towel in the face of competition from Crytek, Epic and Valve, and iD are just gonna spend the rest of their energy making console games on their popular franchises...
manveruppd said:
Yep, I certainly hope they don't forget their PC heritage. If iD's games are about anything, they've always been about pushing technology forwards (even though they have more competition there than ever before) and they can't really do that on a console: the 360 is gonna be the exact same spec at the end of its lifespan 4-5 years from now, whereas when you're making PC games you can afford to spec them towards what the high end ofthe market will be at the end of your development cycle two years from when you start. Unless of course Carmack's thrown in the towel in the face of competition from Crytek, Epic and Valve, and iD are just gonna spend the rest of their energy making console games on their popular franchises...
They could be doing this for a short time. At least until they make some more money-and then come up with a better idea. I think it will also depend on what the playstation 3 and x-box 360 could offer that a pc couldn't? Greater standardisation perhaps?
mortals said:
would at least possibly make some people move over.

I want to see how they are going to do MMORPGs with a control pad, as i heard they were working on World Of Warcraft for the xbox360 :eek:

The xbox 360 supports Keyboard and mouse, but obviously the game software has to be written for it to support it.

Final Fantasy XI and the Dash both support USB keyboards.

Imo as much as i like PC gaming i think console gaming is the future, a standardised platform, can play via mouse/keyb or pad (dependant on game support) and the live intergration into the 360 is very good.
Pij said:
Imo as much as i like PC gaming i think console gaming is the future, a standardised platform, can play via mouse/keyb or pad (dependant on game support) and the live intergration into the 360 is very good.
You've just described what PC have been doing for years: 1 standardised API rather than 3 proprietary platforms, embedded OS support for multiple input devices and seamless online integration.
manveruppd said:
You've just described what PC have been doing for years: 1 standardised API rather than 3 proprietary platforms, embedded OS support for multiple input devices and seamless online integration.

PC gaming may be standardised to an extent, ie. the operating system but it is nothing approaching a standardised platform - that is, everyone running the exact same hardware specification and using the exact same gamepad etc.
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