case hacking/grinding advice

12 Mar 2009
I'm looking to do a window mod on my antec 300 and have just brought an electric multitool but what i'd like to know is what would be the best cutting disc to use? size? material? as I don't really want to make a mess of the case.

I used the cutting discs that came with my dremel. I've no idea what they were made of.. then I bought the only pack of replacements I could find in the shops I could get to and had a reddish one and a greyish one.. the greyish one cut better but was more brittle so I actually found the reddish one was easier to work with when doing corners.

I suspect I'm not being that helpful. sorry.
I used a jigsaw, was quick and turned out well, didnt even need any edging strip

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From most of the reviews i read about cutting into the case to add either a window or Rad.
They advise if you have a multi toll like a dremel etc that you use that to make the initial cut and then swap to using a jigsaw. Only going back to the multi tool in order to tidy up corner's etc.
I just use a hacksaw and a few different files which work well if you cant be botherd with looking for the right power tools and spending a lot of $ for a one off use.
Good advise zootfoot - I'd add late at night when tired to that as well.

If using power tools remember to clamp the panel down well.
The non-reinforced cutting disks don't last long on steel or thick aluminum.
Only done one myself - and made a pig's ear of the cutting (dremal disks on full size drill :()
Re-marked out the window 2mm larger and used a grinding stone bit to 'sand' the metal to the right shape. Finished with a file.

Couldn't find a hacksaw that would work for a window (space between blade and frame was to small)

For the £10-15, a metal work shop will charge you - it's not worth buying the tools.
Killing a £200 Silverstone or Lian Li on your first 'cutting' mod is not worth the 'I did it all myself' brownie points.
In your case a 300 is a good case to learn as it's relatively easy to get replacement panels if it does all go pear shaped.

If your not going to respray/powercoat the case then protect the paint work.
Masking tape and some care go a long way to make the overall process as painless as possable
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Thanks for the advice everyone, I think I will get a few discs and find some old case panels to practise on first (any donations? ha)

Typhoon what jigsaw blade did you use and have you stuck the window to the inside?
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