Case mod - Corsair 600t acrylic side panel

Im doing something similar with my 500r at the moment only im undecided whether to just remove the current mesh, dremel the lip on the back and put the acrylic on, or cut a larger window into the side panel itself. Will figure it out once everything gets here - waiting on the metal accessories for the dremel.

nice mod - the full side looks really good.
This is nice, could something similar be done with a fractal define r4?

As long as you copy the side case outline, to within 2mm of the actual case dimensions on a bit of acrylic, I don't see why not :)

Man those pics I took of my phone, really don't do justice to how nice that clean clear look is. I actually forgot for a min that I'd done it and looked and thought "where is the side of my case at?" then I remembered and chuckled to myself. It's so clear and clean looking that I forget that there is actually a side on it. Next step is adding LEDs to it but I don't really know where to begin :/ No idea of how many LEDs I'd need and where to put them.
Just get one of those cheap ebay rolls and wire it to a molex
I have done it to mine and the results are awesome!


Looks great man nice work. Lol I laughed when I saw your first set of photos with your cat watching. Typically, you put anything flat down on the floor and it becomes irresistible to a cat lol

Lo mate, me again to pick your brains if I can...or anyone else that might be able to help me

I'd like to pick you...or anyone elses, brains if I may on the LEDs and controller. You got any links to what you bought? I'd like to get some red LEDS and a controller for them to dim or change their colour but I've literally no clue how to start or where to start.

1. Where did you buy your LED and controller from?
2. How did you install it?
3. How did you get the power going into it?
4. How and where do you control the LEDs from?
5. What sort of money am I looking at to get this done?
6. Can you space out the LEDs so that they dont' all switch on at once?

Anything you can tell me to help?

Sorry for the 101 questions mate

Subby aka Paul
Hey subby, sorry for not seeing this earlier! Have replied to your trust. Hope that helps :D
Thanks :)

I ordered a NZXT Hue LED controller and LED strip. I'll stick it in the case and add my new red fans. I'll post up pics when I get it all done :)
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