GREEN? Was not expecting that. Or have I not been paying attention? :p

I dont know,I may or may not of mentioned it.....

Im getting on in my years..

Yeah, I gotta give it to you; it does look better with the plate. Was good before though.

"GREEN?": Given the name Milspec, it wouldn't shock me if it was olive drab or similarly themed.

Trust me,it will look good.

Or not.... :D
Green. Yes,very.


Got in there quick before it clouded over....now to start the airbrushing.

The new gun is bloody amazing,sips air and paint but covers so well the final lay is like glass. If I get a shuffle on then it could be cleared over by Monday. The acrylic has arrived for the res,once the chassis is clearcoated I can take the final panel depth for the clamshell res,it needs to be exact so as not to foul the res seals,to start machining it.
I couldnt resist putting the Caselabs build back together before clearcoating,it will help me get the airbrush stencils where I want them to be as I can visualize the layout much easier. Then strip down,airbrush then clearcoat!







Dat Green tho....

Its starting to all come together now,once the case is cleared over then the rest is plain sailing. Airbrushing,clearing,HDD/SSD's to fit then cable it all up. Then its res and the final tube up.

Hopefully this will all be done for I Series at the end of August!
A quick peek before I finish up scuffing the yellow with a scotch pad to soften the lines and give it a used feel.

First time with Inspire H20 airbrush paint....and my last,back to solvent for me,viscosity had to be just right and I just couldnt get it,resorted to airbrush flush as a thinner in the end.


If the weather is good then clearcoating tomorrow.
The colour was always going to be marmite, like it or loath it tbh.

As with all works in progress, the interim stages can be deceptive. Although I quite like the colour, I'm looking forward to seeing the yellow weathered out a bit and the clear coat going on.
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