2xquad rad stands for 120mm fans
your going to need these
These are for the tubing to go into the top compartment or bottom compartment.
As the Americans would say, you're awesome.
If I'm not mistaken, the white cages comes with the case.
Also, did you select mesh on top or the 120mm mesh?
Not sure what you did (can't see it in photos) but maybe the fan backplate is a bit overkill. There's the option of hex mesh so maybe better to go with that.
So, when are you gonna hook her up with all that yummy w/c stuff?
And buchtis,you have just given me my project build name "behemoth" quite fittin I you ask me
Hi Schizo
How's the build going? Any pics?
BTW How do you upload your pics to this site? It just gives me a URL link when I try
your dog like its' new kennel snedie?
The size is just crazy
christ thats a nice case, im leaning towards the th10 as well. how much was the import duty hit?
christ thats a nice case, im leaning towards the th10 as well. how much was the import duty hit?