Cases with built in WC

21 Jan 2005
I know Thermaltake brought out the Thai-Chi range, anyone know of other cases that come with decent WC?

And while we are at it has anyone bought the Thai-Chi I'd like to know what they think. I know it is now out in the store so some must have been sold.
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I think the koolance lian-li cases are meant to be awesome, they certainly look sweet. But, alas there is a price tag to match this greatness.
Koolance make very good pre-built water-cooled cases in prety much any quality case (Chieftec, Lian-li, Coolermaster) at about £100-£200 over the cost of the standard case. Alphacool also do pre-built systems including one that is totally passive (It has an externally mounted rad that replaces the backplane side panel) and one based on a micro-atx chassis.

I have a Koolance PC3-725 and it's just fabulous. Not silent, but very, very quiet.
there are places that sell custom built watercooled systems (watercooling + cases preconfigured) including Anodised cases, not cheap but look the works :)
All the off the shelf solutions I've seen are a nasty compromise,including the koolance ones (look bloody awful IMO plus you often have a big lump on top of your pc).

The best way is either a) build it yourself or b) find a custom builder ;)
you must be joking, they look ugly

new one does look better than the old style though

OMGWTF Competitor Batman!

hmm just noticed you can cool your xbox 360 with the external one :D

OMGWTF Competitor Robin!
Can I get this straight, Ive asked a question of a product that is not sold on OcUK, but for some reason I cannot get an answer because if I do it contravenes the "rules"? yep?
2bullish said:
Can I get this straight, Ive asked a question of a product that is not sold on OcUK, but for some reason I cannot get an answer because if I do it contravenes the "rules"? yep?

Wrong, your question can be answered, pictures can be posted, reviews can be posted. Stores which sell it and ship to the UK, aka a OcUK competitor are not allowed on OcUK Forums and will be deleted. You can mention for example a LG monitor that is not on OcUK perfectly fine, and we all talk about ATCs cases in here, and only a competitor stocks them and at silly prices then.

If the question or mentioning of Koolance was not allowed then I would not do it myself, if you want to question the moderation further please take it to email.
Think I may go for this Koolance PC3-725BK Lian Li V1000 Aluminium, really like the look of this, and am looking for a total system rebuild. I would like it to cool a x1900 crossfire setup and cpu. Yewen, you say you have experience with this rig, what are your thoughts?
I'm not sure if Yewen has had one, but I've had mine just about a year now and it's extremely good. They have a newer one out now, that has significantly more cooling capacity, but I'm happy enough with the older model.

In terms of setting it up, it was very straightforward assuming you buy all the bits at the same time and read the instructions thoroughly before installing. The 'all the bits at the same time' caveat is because I bought my graphics card blocks after everything else and they were a different tubing diameter. It was no biggie as they went back and I got new ones by return of post, but sometime last year, there was a change in the stock tubing size. The new stuff is bigger and therefore better apparently.

There's very little to mess up really. Depending on where you buy it from, they'll often fit the blocks and leak-test it for you. At least one supplier offered to ship me a system with the coolant pre-filled, but they didn't recommend it.
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