Cases with doors... Why do they hide the on/off button behind the door?

As has been said doors orignally showed up in server cases/rackmounts to stop people turning the machine off by mistake, i imagine its fairly easy to lean into a rackmount and lean against a power switch.

Rackmounts often have lockable doors to stop unaurthorised people messing with power switches and hardware, is it going to stop a determined vandle? no very unlikely.

This has carried over into the desktop PC case, it still makes sense if you have young children running around and a PC on the floor, you dont want them thinkings its a great toy to play around with. Its also a design statement, i love the clean and uncluttered look that my CM SX4000 gives, an on button in the middle of the door would completely ruin the look.

If having a power switch behind a door is causing you so much grief i suggest you buy a doorless case. There are cases which do have doors and have the power switch on the outside of the door CM110 does i belive. The Silverstone TJ03 certainly does.

The real question surely has to be Why would they all have the on/off button on the outside, what do you gain? I put CD's in more often than i turn the computer on or off. Sometimes dare i say it, i dont close the door.
orderoftheflame said:

Problems solved! never shut the pc down by accident again. :p ;)

Excellent didn't know I could do that. Will stop me accidently switching my pc off. Done it a few times when pushing my case back after plugging something into the back. The Eclipses power button is right where I try and push it back :p
NeilFawcett said:
LOL! That is so silly it's beyond silly! And the PSU power switch at the back? And the power lead into the PSU? And the mains switch?

Sheesh :)

Not all psu's have a switch on it and redundent psu's usually dont (more server orientated). As to the plug - well that can be easily locked away too.
Cable - well thats just silly pulling that out :)

Sheesh :p
why would you have the power buttons outside if you have a door on your case?

-easy access

why would you have them inside?

-look better
-stop accidental turning off (my college pc's do this all the time, power button is knee hight)
-security, cant turn it on without breaking the door.
-use power button once, twice, three times a lady...err.. i mean, once or twice a day...

pretty obvious answers, bit of a stupid thread imo
taz488 said:
why would you have the power buttons outside if you have a door on your case?

-easy access
Bingo! You got it!

taz488 said:
why would you have them inside?

-look better
-stop accidental turning off (my college pc's do this all the time, power button is knee hight)
-security, cant turn it on without breaking the door.
-use power button once, twice, three times a lady...err.. i mean, once or twice a day...
-"look better" - An on/off switch could be made as subtle and pretty as you like so your answer is not applicable.
-"stop accidental turning off" - As for manual confirmation (as shown above) so your answer is not applicable.
-"security, cant turn it on without breaking the door" - LOL :) Pull the lead out the back so your answer is not applicable. Also is your PC in your house or the FBI? Come on now!
-"-use power button once, twice, three times a lady...err.. i mean, once or twice a day..." - Well that's not even an English sentence is it?[/quote]

taz488 said:
pretty obvious answers, bit of a stupid thread imo
Only one of them makes any logical sense and that seems to agree with me, so thanks :) The rest seem pretty stupid answers imo ;)
To be honest I think I open and close the DVD drive more than I turn the computer on and off so its not really an issue for me. I can see why it would annoy people though.
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