I needed some cash yesterday morning and there is a shop just across the main road from me which has a grubby looking cashpoint machine fitted to the wall. I was on my way to work so I thought I would just pop my card in a get the cash out I needed. As I entered the card, the screen blanks and then displays some errors and the thing seems to crash. My card swallowed, I try to speak to the shop keeper who says its nothing to do with them but some company owns it but he doesn't know who.
I go back outside and the machine is still the same. Crashed and not spitting out my card. I waited a while but it was dead. I so very, very rarely need some cash and today I did and this happens.
Now I have cancelled my card and requested a new one. I had to get my partner to get some cash out for me and I now have money in my wallet for the first time in years.
That was yesterday. Today I get a message from Halifax saying the app has been updated (Google Pay on Android) with my new card details and I can use it right away. I still have some cash to use up but it's good how quick that was sorted in the app. I'm quite impressed.