Casino Royale - 007 quid in asda

I wasn't thinking of getting it, but for £7 I think I will now.

Thanks for the heads up! :)
Excellent find.

Nearest Asda is half an hour's bus journey, I still think it'll be worth the effort though. :)
just bought mine for £7. the shelves are almost bare now :D

I was sure this was a pricing error! surely they could sell just as many for a tenner considering it's prob the biggest dvd release of the year in britain?
talkshowhost said:
just bought mine for £7. the shelves are almost bare now :D

I was sure this was a pricing error! surely they could sell just as many for a tenner considering it's prob the biggest dvd release of the year in britain?

It's called promotion and/or Loss Leader.
Trust me - at £7 Asda are not losing anything - at worst they are breaking even.
It gets their name around and they hope people calling in will buy more than just the DVD.
They did the same with King Kong - 3 days from release of extremely low pricing.
I've been into Asda to buy it for the last 2 days. Both times sold out! And while I was there I had to go and buy something else to ease the pain.

Annoying promotional trickery! :mad:
It took me three attempts but I managed to get my £7 copy today.
It worked out well for ASDA really - wife wanted some shopping and we usually shop at Tesco.
However as I was in ASDA anyway....

That is how they can afford to sell it at £7 :)
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