Casino Royale - 007 quid in asda

Clerkin said:
yes but you have to buy another chart dvd also to get it at that price.
Oh is that right? Pretty sneaky then. I didn't pay much attention to it, it just caught my eye as it was near the checkouts :)
RandomTom said:
Just ignore him sometimes Clerkin. He's made about 300 posts in about a week or two and not many of them have been that legible to be quite honest.
Not just me thats noticed this then, i picked mine up on tuesday they had a few lying about luckly i spotted one :)
why are they not ledigible posts lol cause i think james bond isnt worth 7 quid.
theres ten times better films for less posts might not be relevent to you but we are not all the same or it would be very boring like a james bond film although goldfinger is good.
Got my two copies at Asda today! :D They must have had the weekend delivery in as the guy said there were hundreds. I doubt there will be much left by Monday.
£7 ? thats dam cheap for a box office DVD just been released isnt it ?

my Tesco do them for 9.97 if bought with another DVD, on its own its about £12
downloading it at time it was being released on cinema apperantly from russia.masses seen it or had a disk therefore big dent in sales.thats y its so cheap.
dgmug said:
downloading it at time it was being released on cinema apperantly from russia.masses seen it or had a disk therefore big dent in sales.thats y its so cheap.

What? A film available for download before DVD/Cinema release?

Good god, i've never heard of that before. :rolleyes:
I actually missed Bond in the cinema so I was always going to buy it.
Just got around to watching it this weekend and I'll be honest - if I'd paid £12 for it I wouldn't have been disapointed.
Thought it was a really great film - paying £7 was like having the cake and eating it.

LOL at the post about the film being available for illegal download.
Even if that isn't common these days the bottom line is that there are still those of us around who:

A. Like to own the DVD's
B. Aren't thieves

I know it's difficult to believe, but there are a few people around like that.
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