Castlevania (netflix)

Finished Nocturne and it wasn't too bad, can't help but wonder if he'd have listened to his Mother if she would have survived and it would have been a different story.
Classic anime trope.
Person might die:"Listen to me, you run to the boat and i'll meet you there!"
Char going to survive: "No I want to help!"
I've only watched the 1st episode so far and safe to say the plot doesn't seem to have any connection to the game, since they introduced Maria right off the bat.
I'm not immediately gelling with Nocturne. I still think season 1 of the original series was standout, the rest have been OK.
Not reading the thread as have a couple of Episodes left.

I can see why the reviews are 1 and 5 rated. It's very different to the original.

I do like it, but not as much as the first one.
I don't think much time was spent creating and building relationships. Annette appeared out of no where far too early for Example.
Trevor and sipher took ages and the relationship developed over time.

It all seems rushed really.

I also really liked Carmilla, less keen on these new villains. Again, seems really rushed.

I don't feel warm to the hero's nor do I have strong feelings to the villans. Where as I loved how Carmillas back story unfolded and you could see why she ended up who she was. (yeah carmilla was my favourite from the original!)

Seems very fast. I wasn't even sure if it was going to be a one season thing.

Overall (so far) id say 6-7/10. Can't see it getting to 8.
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Finished it.
7/10 I'd say. I much prefer the first.
I just don't feel attached to any of the characters.

Conversely, my partner didn't like castlevania at all. But she thought this was OK. She couldn't get past the first few episodes.

I dunno, something about it just doesn't click. And I think it's a lot of small things, a few plot holes, too quick, characters seem a bit awkward (not a fan of Annette in particular) , some things don't make sense.

but the main one being the characters just aren't as endearing.

I'll watch s2 but i was really excited about this and it didn't really hold watching it.
S2 had some decent action moments but still doesn't grab you like the original series did.

Found it funny that we basically got a Getsuga Tenshou for the final blow in the last battle.
I really enjoyed it! But still prefer the first Castlevania.

The spirit walking realm was a bit of a yawn fest
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