Cat owner warning: Automatic litter boxes that have killed cats.

25 Oct 2010
I did a search on this but didn't find anything, I thought I'd give people a heads up:

These things are being sold on several online market places, and have unfortunately resulted in a number of cat deaths. Sometimes the designs or branding differs a little, but there's apparently multiple makes and models that can be dangerous for various reasons.
If you get one of those boxes its down to laziness or being away from the home for very long extended periods of time, both reasons why you should not get a pet in the first place.

I dont see the need to electrify my cats litter tray, its not much effort to keep clean.
Feline pretty disappointed that no one's cracked this joke yet.

Come on GD, up your game!
I guess this might cause some people to paws their purrchase of these devices, I would hope the retailers and manufacturers would take note of the issues but I suspect they have a claws in their fine print limiting their liability.
I have no need of one. My cat has a perfectly good litter box that she poo's and wee's next to.

Ah, you have one of those common ***hole cats.

We have the Litter Robot 3 for over 4 years now, apart from breaking down multiple times and requiring being pulled apart and parts changing (mainly due to the pinch protect safety feature nonetheless) they have been great for no scoop waste management for 2 of our 3 cats. The other does his business outside, or on the walls/floor inside if it's raining or the batteries run out on his special cat flap.

I wish we just had dogs. :mad: :rolleyes:
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