A while ago I set up a catch all box on my own domain name, and as a result of many shops asking for email addresses at the checkouts, now give it in the format A.[shop name]@domain_name.tld. Means I can easily see if any place is cheeky enough to sell the list, and if the spam gets too much, I can send all email from that address straight to the bin!. When it all gets too cluttered, I'll ditch the A. and start on B. etc
Get a confused look sometimes when giving addresses out in this format, and quite often glazed looks when I explain that its my own domain I can have whatever I want @ it.
I just suddently thought that this forum is probably geeky anough to have others that do similar
Get a confused look sometimes when giving addresses out in this format, and quite often glazed looks when I explain that its my own domain I can have whatever I want @ it.
I just suddently thought that this forum is probably geeky anough to have others that do similar