Cats are funny

The Mad Rapper said:

The Mad Rapper said:
Read my post properly fool :p

Cats give me asthma, I do not have asthma. I posted a picture of a GS because I am a dog person not a cat person.


P.S. Your cat would have a job to pwn my dog as I don't own a dog. If I did however my dog would be like "Boom! Headshot!" :p

cats 'give' you asthma, you do not 'have' asthma?

and you think i'm the fool? :p

and remember - a cat can fry a dogs brain via mind control!
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The Mad Rapper said:
Cat's aren't funny. They are horrible and give me asthma :mad:

However, this snuggly fellow is an entirely different matter!



they smell
they crap everywhere without caring
they roll in their own crap
they eat their own crap
they do not keep themselves clean
they need constant attention
they are incapable of looking after themselves

give me a cat over a dog any day,
locutus12 said:

they smell
they crap everywhere without caring
they roll in their own crap
they eat their own crap
they do not keep themselves clean
they need constant attention
they are incapable of looking after themselves
they're ugly
they're stupid
locutus12 said:

they smell
they crap everywhere without caring
they roll in their own crap
they eat their own crap
they do not keep themselves clean
they need constant attention
they are incapable of looking after themselves

give me a cat over a dog any day,

+ they beeeeeeg.

ohhh how they beeeeeeeeeeeeg.

a cat can laser a dogs fur into a jacket-potato-skin in less than a nano-second. don't you forget it.
locutus12 said:
they smell
they crap everywhere without caring
they roll in their own crap
they eat their own crap
they do not keep themselves clean
they need constant attention
they are incapable of looking after themselves

1. My dogs don't smell, they are washed periodically.
2. They don't crap everywhere, they have been trained to go outside in their pen.
3. They don't roll in their own crap.
4. They don't eat their own crap.
5. They don't need constant attention.
6. I think they would be capable of looking after themselves if we released them. One of our dogs ran off whilst on a walk when we first got her and she came back with a chicken in her mouth :eek: Still, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. I mean, you still have to give your cat food and water right? How is that looking after itself?

And in my experience dogs are more friendly towards humans and show more love and affection than cats do, although I still love cats also. I just like dogs slighty more. Also you can train dogs to obey you and behave in a certain way, I'm not sure if this is possible with cats. I've never known of a cat that could sit or raise it's paw on command, or come to you if you call it.
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MiGSY said:
I think they would be capable of looking after themselves if we released them.

Probably not, your previous points show how domesticated they are. They wouldn't last very long living without human care, at the least they would be very weak and malnourished.
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