Cats are funny

kitten_caboodle said:
oh my word, that is one stunning cat.

She really is, called Pebbles because the grays/browns in her fur look like a pebbly beach

She's a right little princess though, its my sisters fault, she does everything for that cat

Have more pics :)

Squark said:
She really is, called Pebbles because the grays/browns in her fur look like a pebbly beach

She's a right little princess though, its my sisters fault, she does everything for that cat

Have more pics :)

She's gorgeous :D

btw, they aren't chopsticks, they're really long hamsters teeth :D


Ill let someone stick a caption on those two :)

They are my 2 puddy tats, top one is fluffy, bottom one is molly :D
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i don't get why people write the captions like tards.

cats = intelligent.

where the hell is the humor in plastering the images with text-speak? the very same text-speak we usually condemn here at ocuk? why lower yourselves to the standards of inferior forums for the sake of making a few chavs grin? :confused:
seek said:
i don't get why people write the captions like tards.

cats = intelligent.

where the hell is the humor in plastering the images with text-speak? the very same text-speak we usually condemn here at ocuk? why lower yourselves to the standards of inferior forums for the sake of making a few chavs grin? :confused:

cats are intelligent but they are notoriously bad spellers
I'm no chav, but I find these lingo funny if you have it spoken in meows/purrs + a hint of leet/geek speak (in your head of course). I'm weird, please forgive me for indulging in my little world.
Clerkin said:
ive been bit by a cat and it hurt like hell, was drunk at the time so i probably deserved it mind. still got the scar today :o
I've got scars all over my hands from cats, most of them are from playtime - only once wasn't - and that was from him getting a fright. One of my cats was asleep on the bed and I was, as usual, draped all over the place and one of my arms happened to be across his flank....well, I kind of twitched in my sleep, and he got a fright.......well, it had been a few weeks since I'd last clipped his nails and he jumped up and lashed out at the same time, locking his claw inside the palm of my hand......that wound produced a lot of blood and a nice looking scar for a little cat.....made me realise what a large cat would do if it smacked you one. :eek:
Skidmark said:
I've got scars all over my hands from cats, most of them are from playtime - only once wasn't - and that was from him getting a fright. One of my cats was asleep on the bed and I was, as usual, draped all over the place and one of my arms happened to be across his flank....well, I kind of twitched in my sleep, and he got a fright.......well, it had been a few weeks since I'd last clipped his nails and he jumped up and lashed out at the same time, locking his claw inside the palm of my hand......that wound produced a lot of blood and a nice looking scar for a little cat.....made me realise what a large cat would do if it smacked you one. :eek:

i always think that at the zoo when you see the size of a lions paw. its twice the size of a human head(or it looked it to me) it would take your face off with one bat :eek:
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