Cats are funny


stoopid monkey, let me go before i kill you
MarcLister said:
Simian, the cat in your 3rd pic is GOWGEOUS!!!! :)

His Name is Flynn and he's only 9 months old!... He's gonna be Mahoosive when he's a bit older! (If his older brother, who he looked like as a kitten, is anything to go by!), He's a bit softy!, very cuddly, but he' the wifes!...

The Tabbie is mine!

Her Name is Callia and she's also 9 months old!... She's about 2/3 Flynns size and has the weakes miow I've ever heard!... but makes up for it with her Purring (Jet engine decibel levels!) and the chirping and twittering she does!... She's Luurvley!...

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