CD --> DVD converters?

12 Mar 2004
Are there any programs which can convert say a game install consisting of 3 cds to a one dvd install? Would be really helpful when making backups.
well i'm not sure that would work as the setup program will be expecting 3 or however many disks during the install.

iyou could do this: save each cd as an iso and burn them all to a data dvd. then mount the isos in daemon tools and you're good to go.

although my preferred method for this is to store the isos on hard disk. saves faffing around with disks altogether. :)
Im making backups so they need to be on a disk, if I saved the isos to the hdd it would take up loads of space.

Is there a way so that I can just have it on 1 dvd but for it to perform an install as normal, instead of having multiple isos?
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