
24 Jun 2003
Looks like the old Celebdaq list has been nuked, so I'm starting fresh:

1 (1) b_thats_it (3918013)
175646 +593.18%
2 (2) sh4d0w (3772933)
477471 +222.56%
3 (3) robf (3893197)
97901 +157.90%
4 (6) bluefin.je (3411889)
247204 +152.68%
5 (5) jpmonkey69 (3795582)
59728 +88.48%
6 (8) Brynn_uk (3890134)
390184 +33.90%
7 (7) amateurTinkerBell (3917568)
53148 +30.94%
8 (16) majago (2806714)
25026 +13.31%
9 (9) Wilko1974 (3724747)
182938 +6.82%
10 (10) Morbz0r (3642060)
14288 +0.00%
11 (11) Takhisis (3460858)
10000 +0.00%
12 (13) Jhadur (3453628)
223567 -0.00%
13 (12) MATTeL (3139681)
9897 -1.03%
14 (15) kicks66ocuk (3918007)
10695 -2.11%
15 (14) Leowyatt (3722084)
33407 -12.50%

If anyone wants to join OCUK Regulars, let me know.
Balders said:
Looks like the old Celebdaq list has been nuked

Another one? :eek:

Oh well, here is the update for the morning:

1 (7) ^ MATTeL (3139681) 64m 53085 +430.85%
2 (3) ^ sh4d0w (3772933) 7m 2083797 +384.68%
3 (8) ^ amateurTinkerBell (3917568) 0m 158847 +238.70%
4 (1) v b_thats_it (3918013) 0m 285653 +147.82%
5 (2) v bluefin.je (3411889) 23m 461818 +143.69%
6 (10) ^ wonder_lander (3110054) 22m 24290 +142.91%
7 (5) v majago (2806714) 23m 52932 +139.65%
8 (4) v jpmonkey69 (3795582) 4m 123027 +104.70%
9 (6) v robf (3893197) 3m 181203 +85.09%
10 (16) ^ Leowyatt (3722084) 5m 65627 +77.42%
11 (12) ^ Wilko1974 (3724747) 7m 333940 +59.29%
12 (9) v Brynn_uk (3890134) 7m 416886 +6.78%
13 (13) - Morbz0r (3642060) 18m 14288 +0.00%
14 (14) - Jhadur (3453628) 17m 223567 -0.00%
15 (11) v kicks66ocuk (3918007) 0m 10481 -1.20%

I would just like to thank Sven for his comments on footballers earlier in the week! ;)
Ow! I have done that before and it does hurt! :(

Never mind Madonna's shares are cheap and going through the roof at the moment! ;)
I did exactly that too yesterday, but more for fear of a mediocre kneecapping...if you sell early, do you not get any divi's? I thought even if you had been in for most of the week you got a percentage? I got a small divi payout, but I thought that was from my holding in chantelle.
I noticed that my original thread had disappeared but took the cull to mean that no-one was interested anymore.

Good to see it back! Got all my money in the celeb BB people at the monent
1 (3) jpmonkey69 (3795582)
774442 +529.49%
2 (1) MATTeL (3139681)
331110 +523.74%
3 (10) bluefin.je (3411889)
1666996 +260.96%
4 (8) Takhisis (3460858)
35796 +257.96%
5 (2) amateurTinkerBell (3917568)
554128 +248.84%
6 (4) majago (2806714)
175034 +230.68%
7 (7) Leowyatt (3722084)
128735 +96.16%
8 (9) wonder_lander (3110054)
46795 +92.65%
9 (5) Wilko1974 (3724747)
529617 +58.60%
10 (15) sh4d0w (3772933)
14623 +46.23%
11 (16) b_thats_it (3918013)
399425 +39.83%
12 (11) Brynn_uk (3890134)
462599 +10.97%
13 (12) kicks66ocuk (3918007)
11478 +9.52%
14 (6) robf (3893197)
184660 +1.91%
15 (13) Morbz0r (3642060)
14288 +0.00%
16 (14) Jhadur (3453628)
223567 -0.00%

Sven all week saw me to first place this week! :)

TOTAL WORTH £748437.06
7 DAY PROFIT/LOSS 625410.06

Just put all my shares into BB Preston because my girlfriend reckons he'll win.
completely forgot bout this game, ive lost my login details too so i have to start again, I had millions too..poo
Update time.... first in a while...

1 (1) - MATTeL (3139681) 64m 4984217 +566.24%
2 (2) - bluefin.je (3411889) 24m 99491 +205.91%
3 (4) ^ majago (2806714) 23m 1511643 +164.51%
4 (7) ^ wonder_lander (3110054) 22m 163822 129.80%
5 (8) ^ Takhisis (3460858) 17m 37715 +50.81%
6 (3) v sh4d0w (3772933) 8m 85068 +28.45%
7 (10) ^ b_thats_it (3918013) 0, 640740 +25.32%
8 (9) ^ amateurTinkerBell (3917568) 1m 12224 +22.24%
9 (5) v robf (3893197) 3m 658298 +17.40%
10 (12) ^ Jhadur (3453628) 17m 223567 -0.00%
11 (13) ^ jpmonkey69 (3795582) 5m 7481 -25.19%
12 (11) v Leowyatt (3722084) 5m 158132 -26.50%

A much smaller league than before! :eek: :(
jpmonkey69 said:
And I'm STILL nearly last! :eek:

I that a new definition of nearly? ;)

1 (1) - MATTeL (3139681) 64m 6842429 +626.88%
2 (2) - majago (2806714) 23m 2255982 +238.85%
3 (3) - bluefin.je (3411889) 24m 88722 +227.24%
4 (4) - wonder_lander (3110054) 22m 153683 +116.07%
5 (7) ^ robf (3893197) 3m 643242 +27.83%
6 (9) ^ amateurTinkerBell (3917568) 1m 12634 +26.34%
7 (6) v sh4d0w (3772933) 8m 69750 +22.88%
8 (10) ^ b_thats_it 0m (3918013) 598870 +13.43%
9 (11) ^ Jhadur (3453628) 17m 223567 -0.00%
10 (8) v Takhisis (3460858) 17m 37715 -0.16%
11 (13) ^ Leowyatt (3722084) 5m 173950 -5.87%
12 (12) - jpmonkey69 (3795582) 5m 7760 -22.40%
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Balders said:
If anyone wants to join, post your details here.

What details you need? Just a user name? If so its....... BerraOcUK - User ID: 3935755

btw, i have no idea what i am doing, just buying things and hoping for the best :p

Also, is there a downloadable program that keeps you updated on you shares as it were?
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BerraSM said:
Also, is there a downloadable program that keeps you updated on you shares as it were?

Not that I know off but surely just visiting the Celebdaq page and looking at "Movers and Losers" along with your portfolio is enough.

BTW Freddie Flintoff is good at the moment! ;)

kitten_caboodle said:
yeah where've I gone?? :( What do you need to put me back?

You might have hit leave league instead of view league, there is no confirmation when you press "leave". Something I do with annoying frequency! ;) :rolleyes:
Well my username is Davidme56

So sign me up, but just to warn you all, I never watch TV or read papers and have no clue about the celebrity world. :p
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