change gamertag??

20 Feb 2006
What is the best/cheapest way to do this? It only cost me £7.50 for 3 months of live, yet they want £8.50 for 1000 ms points? wtf :eek: Anyone help me out/point me in the right direction? Yes i am scottish!! Yes i am a tight ****** lol.
What is the best/cheapest way to do this? It only cost me £7.50 for 3 months of live, yet they want £8.50 for 1000 ms points? wtf :eek: Anyone help me out/point me in the right direction? Yes i am scottish!! Yes i am a tight ****** lol.

Well what ever works out the cheapest. I got so much stuff tide to my account that the cheapest way would be to pay for the change. Your choices are start a new account or change the current one.
You can buy the points cheaper at places like
Although not exactly cheaper but a great deal at the moment is 2100 points for £15.99 which would leave you some points to spend on an expansion or arcade game.
It all depends on how much you've put into that gamertag really, are you bothered about all the gamerpoints you've got or maybe you've only got a couple of hundred in which case a change is fine.
Without knowing how much you have put into this account it's hard to say what way would be best and cheapest for you.
Like Zensuji I've got a couple of expansions and stuff tied to my account so if I wanted to change then buying a new name would be best for me.
The best and cheapest way is to pick a gamertag that you're always going to like :D
Ive got 9,250 gamerscore,cod 4 map pack,gears of war map packs + the 3 month sub ive just bought for the account so not really looking to start over. Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately points don't seem to come cheap like 12month gold cards etc, so you're pretty much stuck paying 800 ms points to change it!

Best bet it plan what you're going to spend your change left over on. If you buy a 2100 point card, you'll have 1300 points left. Just have a browse of the marketplace and see if there's anything good going for 1200 points!

Somewhat off topic, but can this be done on the PS3, I created a new account recently for mine, and I'm going to change my 360 one too. But rather than use my new account on the PS3, would be a heck of a lot easier just to rename my old one. :p
Get everyone to report your gamertag. After around 20 or so complaints I think MS start noticing. It doesn't matter whether it is bad or not and they will usually offer you a free change. 'usually' :p
Well a lot of people have told me it works although i have never done it before myself. I dont mind doin it for other people if they want to save themselves some money too lol. :p;)
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I saw some weird gametags yesterday in COD, one had Y-A-B-A dabadoo with the yaba as the buttons from the controller, have I missed something or is it 1337 h4x?
I saw some weird gametags yesterday in COD, one had Y-A-B-A dabadoo with the yaba as the buttons from the controller, have I missed something or is it 1337 h4x?

Damn hackers. I don't see why they can't just ban them straight away. You look at the leaderboards and they are still plagued with hackers. Same on CoD4 still I think. :(
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