Change legal gender for just a tenner!

This is just about removing cost as an unnecessary barrier to changing your gender officially.

Regardless of your stance on gender, and changing gender, I don't think it can really be seen as a bad thing.
All the below needs to apply:
  • you intend to live in your acquired gender for the rest of your life

Not sure how "enforceable" that is seen as there have been quite a number of folks who have swapped back again after deciding they made a mistake so, unless this official legal Gender swap is a "once only", I'm guessing folks would just claim to have changed their mind, allowing them to legally swap back after another 2 year wait, and then that "recycle" of status could potentially continue every two years.
A straight person who knows they’ve committed a crime that they know they will be sent to prison for, quick change on the agenda!
Alter just one letter.

"Change legal tender for just a tenner."

How do you want it sir? Pound coins or smaller?
This is a guy who has never spent any time in a women's locker.
And this^ one is now the prime suspect in various cases of someone spying on womens' locker rooms!

Move to Scotland, they will soon allow self declaration of gender.
Cue Michael MacIntyre stand-up sketch about Scottish gender certificates not being accepted South of the border.
"Excuse me, Laddie. I think ye'll find tha's legal gender!!".
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